yes because the Kicker is a kicker.
Allowing a team to rush for 200+ yards usually means you lose
Not having a full team on the file is easy fix. but apparently not for Rex and his staff
Having a prepped team both Offensively and Defensively weekly. A lot of wasted TO's
Punting when you know that a Tie or a loss ends your chances is a joke.
AKA HC needs to go.
There are many kickers who miss kicks to win games. Its not just a buffalo thing. They are interchangeable. If you want to change him out for someone else, sure go ahead. I guarantee you that kicker is also going to miss game winning kicks in his career.
So this is only a Buffalo issue then?
Because I'm pretty sure i can go back every week and find a missed FG that cost a team a game. but again, what do I know.