The price of everything has gone up Substantially, and minimum wage has not.
The price of college tuition is out of control. The average monthly payback cost to go to college for four years for those that have to take out loans is above $600 a month.
They dont have time to get a job in HS because like others have said, so many qualifications are forced on them.
If they don't go to a good school, forget about landing a good paying job out of college unless you know someone.
If you have a job during college, good luck having any sort of life.
Kids can no longer afford to get apartments because the price of a 2 Bedroom place is $900 a month +
600 a month to payback loans and rough 600 a month to move out of moms house if you split.
Also, the people that raised the "Millennials" to be lazy, the ones who constantly complain about them.