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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. the Bills drafted him so obviously he is an allstar. He's a 5th rd pick, I expect little to nothing from this kid. Anything beyond that is a surprise.
  2. Seems like the Peguals are putting all of their eggs in to the McDermott style basket for both organizations. That scares me a bit because we have no idea what McDermott is yet.
  3. Or he could be an all star, but its always better to think on the negative side of things. I'll wait and see if I like this. If Mahomes or even Watson is a good QB, the Bills lose this trade over and over and over again.
  4. And If Trubisky turns out to be good, none of this matters. This made up point system does not matter. The Bears Win the 49ers lose and look like fools for passing up on the most important position. But hey at least they got more picks. This so much this.
  5. Until Rosen and Darnold go 1 and 2 to the Jets/Browns
  6. Unless you know the teams at #1 and #2 need a QB and they wont trade with the Bills and draft them....
  7. If Mahomes turns out to be a stud, do we still "win" the trade because of a completely fabricated point system?
  8. I don't see the big deal with it. Good for him. I see this board is full of sticklers. I hope next time any of you land a fantastic job, don't get overly excited about it and celebrate. Good on him. Would love to have that kind of fire on the team.
  9. If Mahomes turns out to be good its a bad trade. If the players the Bills draft all turn out/dont turn out, its a good/bad trade. We wont know for awhile. This instant gratification about who won/lost a trade is asinine.
  10. Many trips back to Buffalo for weddings. It uses all my vacation time. Possibly weekend getaway to New Orleans. Then a short camping trip to the Smokey Mountains.
  11. None, because I cant pretend to know what prospect is going to actually be a good football player. The draft is a mostly S*** anyways.
  12. I bet those teams are still angry that they "reached" for that QB.....
  13. No its not, this is the stupidest thing in terms of the NFL Draft. Guy gets drafted "Oh hes a reach" I had him pegged for a 2nd rd pick not a first. What the F(*_^ is the difference, if he can play, he can play. the NFL Draft is complete SH** and nobody knows a damn thing about any of the prospects. You may think you know but you don't.
  14. Not as bad as the Braves, so you've got that going for you. Just in. The Braves are a bad baseball team. Also, paint is bad to eat.
  15. Does anyone actually believe any of this? Or that Oscar really cares?
  16. Braves are going for the oldest team on record, just signed Ryan Howard Colon Dickey Bonifacio Phillips Recker Suzuki Kemp Markaikis Howard
  17. Bartolo to make a start against the Mets today! I expect he lets in a run the braves bullpen comes in about the 7th inning and gives up about 9 more with walking in 6.
  18. I see the braves bullpen is already in "We suck" mid-season form.
  19. Let's go Braves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! David Price will be making $32MM at the 35 and 36 years old. They overpaid so badly for him. Its a terrible deal for a pitcher struggling with injuries right now.
  20. Dont worry they will find ways to recoup that money Ad's on jerseys. Everything will have an ad.
  21. This Touchdown brought to you by. That touchdown celebration brought to you by That power spike of the football brought to you by That sound tackle brought to you by That kickoff brought to you by That Incomplete pass brought to you by That interception brought to you by That fist down brought to you by That ad I just read brought to you by
  22. When I first started at my company 8 years ago, my mother worked at teh buffalo office and she told me to put in for the job and she would put in a good word and I got the job (Based on my own merits and how well i scored on the test they gave) I have since move to the Atlanta office. Fast forward 8 years and now I am in a position that travels the country. I always get a must pay to know someone that has worked here for 20 years. and must be nice to get the company to pay for all of your travel. What they don't see is the constant work that goes into these places I go to and how little time i actually get to spend exploring the area. It normally does not bother me, but on occasional it will get to me. yes I am younger, 29, and i get lumped in to this new generation that wants everything handed to me (Thats what pisses me off the most). I take pride in how I got here, busting my butt, teaching myself computer languages, giving up countless nights and weekends to go to classes to gain valuable knowledge.
  23. Yea F him and his right to freedom of speech and exercising it the way he wanted. But you know, he hurt your feelings and stuff. If Colin Kaepernick were good, none of this would matter. I for one, don't understand the concept of playing the national anthem before sporting events. Would anyone be terribly upset if they just stopped doing it?
  24. I'd be down for that.
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