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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Oh its absolutely a College football town. College football trumps everything. Atlanta is a good sports town, but it terms of the NFL, it does not have the same following/passion college does. Atlanta FC - Sells out every game as well. Soccer is massive here.
  2. Why because he said there is not a lot to do in WNY compared to other cities? Why does that get you banned? Ah, the ol go become a fan of another team shot. That should get you banned from the board, IMO.
  3. The Thrashers were bought buy the Same owners who bought the NBA team, they didn't want the Thrashers and basically destoryed that team because they never invested in it. Also the same owner who began suing each other over money which didnt help. Atlanta is a getting better. One thing i will say though the Falcons fans were extremely friendly around us, even after the win coming and shaking my hand and saying good win. Atlanta FC sells out every game and draws 80k+ but I guess that doesn't count. I had no problems at the stadium, Many many people in teh standing decks watching the game instead of in the seats. I saw no long lines, no issues in the bathrooms and I was in section 120. I thought the stadium was absolutely gorgeous.
  4. Antifa, BLM, Noe-Nazis, Supermacists. None of the groups are ever going to support community, they are there to gain a following of the emotionally weak and do damage to the US. I literllay posted a news artivel of a neo-nazi firing a gun into a crowd of people. The rest of the world is luaghing at us and we are about to be at war with korea, yet the idiots talk the loudest (Not saying you are an idiot) and this is what they are talking about.
  5. Ugh, I wish Left V Right would just go away. Get rid of the political party system and most of the problems go away because people dont have a party line to back and actually have to rely on ideals
  6. Are you seriously defending neo-Nazis? Also, since you asked. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/richard-preston-arrested-shooting-gun-charlottesville-rally_us_59a20a39e4b06d67e3380e37
  7. You could have summed up your post with "Dance monkey dance" and the same point would have been made.
  8. Those restaurants that are cancelling Sunday ticket, when they start losing their business, will be right back with the NFL.
  9. I may not agree with all of this, but this is how you craft a counter argument-ish. To the last part, two wrongs don't make a right and never will. both have done and said things that damaged their reputations to a lot of people.
  10. I'm gona leave you with this quote and hope you understand why they are protesting. POTUS White Supremacist Neo-Nazis "There are some good people in that group" Black NFL players "Fire and suspend those SOB's" Again, I hope you can see they are not protesting the country, but the people leading it, and they really have no other way to do so. I guess I understand both sides, but don't quite see how many can say they they are protesting the flag when countless times they have said they are not I still dont know what this means... Like Play the anthem in your kitchen and kneel in your front yard?
  11. I would happen to think they are extremely misguided, or have tunnel vision and don't want to see what is really going on.
  12. SO what I get from this thread. A great football player has more voice about America than a good football player.
  13. No one is shouting you down. The people on Facebook who post the "Look at me burning all my stuff" will all be back by playoff time at the latest. Players got the attention they wanted, now do something constructive with it, if they don't, all this was all for nothing.
  14. Nah, Just people overreacting, who will be back in a few weeks.
  15. Nah, they are the attention seekers. The people that "wont" be back are the silent ones that don't post on social media ranting and raving screaming LOOK AT ME!. Congrats on burning tickets though and wasting thousands of dollars though, you really showed the NFL!
  16. Its my favorite thing so far. They are All LAMP's. They want to feel like they are a part of something, and they want attention (Hence posting on Facebook) but in the long run are going to be made to look like fools and in the long term will contribute to more profits to the NFL because they have to buy all new stuff.
  17. My favorite thing of today. Puerto Rico owes millions of dollars. No mention of the $33MM is because he left a failed golf course and now PR has to pay for it.
  18. Kelly is an ass. He may have been a great player and I am glad he is healthy, but he is an ass.
  19. If you think this is going to have any long lasting affect on the NFL you are mistaken. All those people burning their tickets and jerseys and flags are going to be back in a the next few weeks if not next week and they will feel like idiots. These people want to feel like they are a part of something and also want the attention (Else they wouldn't post it on facebook) As soon as the media has something else to report on this will become a non-story.
  20. Wouldn't that make him more angry, since he was shut out twice?
  21. Put this under fake story that was produced be media. Miller has not had an agreement with the Deal since March. SO no he did not lose his endorsement. Broncos outside linebacker Von Miller did not lose an endorsement deal with Phil Long Ford after protesting during the national anthem Sunday, despite media reports to the contrary. KOAA-5 first reported Monday morning that Miller had been “fired” from his deal with Phil Long because of his protest but Miller has not had an agreement with the dealership for nearly six months. http://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/25/von-miller-phil-long-ford-endorsement/
  22. Which is apparently not allowed. You have to be crazy far to each side on this, and not just "Hey I get it."
  23. Shocking, a reporter twisting a story to fit a narrative, weird.
  24. IM out of this thread after this because my blood is going to start to boil again. The NFL is a private business, we as Americans want the Govt to stay out of Private business, therefore Trump had no business spouting off like he did telling the NFL how to run its business. There are bigger things he needs to worry about then all of this, he only has himself to blame.
  25. When i first saw it I thought it was hands to the face too. imagine only having one quick look at it. Having replay is great, refs don't have that.
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