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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Right because who was at QB mattered so much in this game. The Bills won because Vinatieri missed 2 FG attempts and the Bills got a weird delayed Penalty call on a 2 point try.
  2. Packed stadium? The Bills stadium was definitely not packed yesterday. I understand not liking LA, but lets not make stuff up here.
  3. Hahahahahahaha. You think either team has an advantage? The Bills practice in a dome they don’t proactive in this. If anything this evens the playing field
  4. Plenty of skill. I suggest you watch Carolina/Minnesota or Philly/LA. That is a ton of skill. What happened between Buffalo and Indy is what we did as kids when school got cancelled.
  5. Yea. I probably won’t remember this one. Or if I do it will be oh yea the **** football game where it snowed a lot. Id rather remember games for actual football. Not the weather
  6. Or when we get a good QB it becomes a huge disadvantage, but hey what do I know. I’m only watching the Eagles and Rams play a hell of a game
  7. Cmon Colts score a Touchdown!
  8. Hahaha McDermott is a coward. !@#$ him I hope he gets fired. Playing for for a tie
  9. I like the constant name calling from all of you it’s enjoyable. Man i wish the BBMB never shut down now
  10. Yeap, but since I no longer live in NY because of forces out of my control I’m a snowflake and need to “shut up”
  11. Refs want to be out as fast as possible. I️ double we see more than 3 penalties all day. This is game can’t be officiated correctly.
  12. Apparently if you say this you live in your moms basment and are a sissy. For some weird reason. Again it was cool to see to start but the novelty has worn off. Again must win game for the Bills where they had a clear advantage without the snow The refs can’t officiate the game properly.
  13. It’s tied at 0. Like I️ said several times, this was cool for the first five minutes, but now it’s boring
  14. Right, keep telling yourself that
  15. When the Bills lose this game I’ll ask you how you feel
  16. Minus you can barely see, the ball is basically ice and you have a dB all over you but other than that yea no excuse
  17. No it’s not it’s who doesn’t skip and fall. Maybe ina ligt snow but this is complete garbage. Must win win game for the Bills where they were the better team and now need to get lucky to win
  18. So now I’m a flake for wanting to watch good football. Got it.
  19. Except this actually benefits the colts since they are in all white and the Bills are in bright red...
  20. You literally can’t throw the football in this. You can barely see
  21. What’s enjoyable about this?
  22. Who doesn’t love football where neither team gets 100 yards of offense
  23. Nope. This is crap football. This is not enjoyable.
  24. So when the Bills lose, do we get to say that the weather still benefits them?
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