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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I’m not trying to be mean when I say this, but this is the epitome of a rose colored glasses post. No veterans sometimes cannot make up for losing the physical ability. That’s why people retire as they get older because the body just can’t. Ed Oliver, I believe is the worst rated defensive tackle from that entire front half of that draft class. And only having one defense of tackle on the roster, that is an oversight and I feel they were forced into signing Oliver. The offenses and defensive lines have been a problem since they’ve got here and they’ve spent countless resources to try and fix it, and it’s still a work in progress. This team should be one of the top teams in the NFL when it’s all said and done but we cannot pretend that there aren’t some massive massive questions about the personnel decisions that have been made that could play a key factor is determining 1st seed home field or 5th seed WC playoff game.
  2. Call a spade a spade. They sucked last night. “but its preseason”. guess what. It’s also preseason for the other team too. the plan we can all agree wasn’t for the Bills to appear completely outmatched for an entire half. shake it off. Clean up the mental stuff and pray that one of the MLBs and OTs figure it out in time for the season opener.
  3. Has anyone wished he was? or is it, if they get bounced again in a bad or inexcusable playoff performance it should be considered.
  4. Pass.
  5. I was half kidding when I started this thread. but there is a lot of heat surrounding McDermott from the national media. just or not nobody knows. but it seems the attention has been turned up quite a bit in the last few days.
  6. If they didn’t want that, maybe they shouldn’t have let Josh Allen then handpick Dorsey for the OC? also, I think they would be the only team that doesn’t talk to star players about coaches they want to hire
  7. How do you know he didn’t and the bills just said too bad this is our guy? Can you also blame the leader ship of this team a.k.a. the Coach and GM for also not helping resolve this issue or is that not allowed?
  8. It’s not Poor headlines at all. they are very much strategically, crafted, headlines, a.k.a. Clickbait headlines
  9. Or is it entirely possible that he has a legitimate beef with some thing and this is pretty much the only way he can show his displeasure outside of requesting a trade? Do we know if any conversations were had over the off-season about this how did the bills staff let it get to this point if so? They had an entire off-season to do something and help ease the storm a little bit yet here we are. I’m in the Camp of all parties probably share blame
  10. No. But I just can’t happen to think or feel that the pressure is building and we might be seeing some small cracks in the foundation. not sounding any alarms at all. But this season will certainly be an interesting one. whatever happened today is very clearly football related. Added the it should be option.
  11. Based on today’s super normal non-newsworthy bills day in June. The feeling is starting to be make or break this year for this team.
  12. Agreed it should’ve been kept internal I don’t think McDermott’s comments did any favors because it escalated from there. It’s starting to feel like this is a make or break season for this team and it’s only June
  13. If you believe Diggs agent McD and Beane very much knew he wouldn’t be there and talked the day previous and in the morning. Odd situation all around.
  14. https://twitter.com/cmdedominicis/status/1668693008579960851?s=46&t=aPpesQ9OFgU8cA3wnTdNeA
  15. I heard through the grape vine that Hailee gave Josh an all tomato. she told Hollywood she didn’t want him hanging out at Diggs place anymore it was either her or Diggs and his riffraf. Diggs feeling are very hurt. He turned to substance. Hence the substance rumors in this thread.
  16. Na, the Diggs rant, was clearly directed at Josh because he was out the night before the Cincinnati game bangin Hollywood Broads. Diggs wanted him to be at his place playing call of duty. Money has changed Josh and his big timein Diggs now. Josh is all Hollywood now and is too good for Diggs. @LeviF /s
  17. How has Kansas City been able to win multiple championships. they have had several mass shootings there? if they don’t win it this year is it fair to blame it on the mass shooting that happened 3 weeks ago at a KC night club? also jesus comparing a plane crash that killed an entire football team and coaches to a shooting is a massive massive stretch. I’ve learned that Buffalo is an extremely sheltered city that lives in a bubble and pretends the world is full of rainbows and unicorns.
  18. I think there are two different ares to judge McD. As a leader of men - excellent. Probably one of the best if not the best in the league. He’s a guy we all wish we had as a boss. as a football Head coach - average. Game day and roster decisions are head scratchers at times. Time out usage is confusing. Still needs improvement.
  19. Lol what? he wins a Super Bowl. That’s all he cares about.
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