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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I miss those commercials. That dang Labatt Blue bear was kis a$$.
  2. What we should be pointing out is that with no CBA and no slary cap next year it does not matter who these small market teams draft, or with what pick. The pick, whoever it may will hold out for more money knowing certain teams (washington,Dallas,NYG etc) "the big spenders" will offer top dollar for these players. I am actually very nervouse about next year. We may see an awful NFL next year. Here is to hoping that it resolves itself.
  3. I've notice in the past month the re-occuring theme of switchign defense. What do you guys feel and why? I could care less what defense we run, as long as we can become contenders again.
  4. I have to clean soda up from the keyboard and monitor that projectiled from my mouth. Thanks for that.
  5. I agree my turck weighs between 3,000-4,000 pounds and it was being blown around like a rag doll yesterday, I cant imagine trying to run/pass into that wind and snow
  6. The Defense was pretty bad, I'l admit that im a ND fan myself. I hope they can turn the program around quickly. ND on saturdays and Bills on Sundays.
  7. Thank you, that argument is a bunch of crap. A good player(QB in this case) has the ability to play in any weather. Peyton Manning played at Tennesee, man it was cold there... Its cold on both sides of the ball just go out and play the game
  8. Fixed, and i actually like ND, bu they are in a rough spot right now
  9. The Cardinals went 8-8 last year and they made the super bowl. We still have a chance.
  10. W00T! W00T! I feel less terrible now.... Wait no i still fell awful lol
  11. I'm not discrediting the pick i was just stating the fact that the coaching staff, our HC and DC said this guy is not good enough to help this team win. This can either work to ways. A) (which i hope happens) Lights a fire under his a$$ and turns him into a monster DE/LB or B) kills his spirit/drive and makes him think "did i make the right choice, am i good enough to be here" We have seen it before with this coaching staff...
  12. HAHAHA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G17zp0_26xU
  13. We blame these players for being "young punks" in the NFL but look what they are learning from. How do you tell 18-22 year old kids that hey everything i told you the past years, months is all B.S. see ya im off to coach somewhere else, Good luck in playing in one of the most important games in your lives, i wont be there for you.
  14. I think we may have different definitions of bandwagon. I see a bandwagon fan as someone as soon as their team quote unquote sucks they are completly down on the team discrediting and tearing through and placing unwarrented blame on anyone and everyone, but ass soon as the team is good they are the first to say how they always believed in this team and knew they would be good, they called all the shots. Yes i am wishing ill on the team i have been crazy about the past 23 years. I want them to win yet i am wishing them ill, makes alot of sense. What the hell has losing done for anyone in the past besides making them the punch line of the NFL?
  15. Very good point. Even now a days(just ask Hines Ward) players are literally killing themselves (Kyle Turley for example) just to play an xetra 2 games a season. I just dont see how risking you health and life are worth that much to some of theses guys. And for the guys like Hines Ward just need to not judge other people for not killing themselves for a game.
  16. I understand that, but dont you think it would lessen the severity or amount of times the concussion happens. Not to mention how lose some of these players wear their helmets . I was thinking maybe instal a type of memory foam around the top of the head and jaw cheek area so it takes away some of the blow to the head.
  17. I understand your point but we will agree to disagree.
  18. +1 Orakpo is better than Maybin yes, by alot probably but he to is a project for them. Just an easier one. They neede a stud LB to help POZ out. The nock on POZ is he is a terrible LB but when teams plan around him what do you expect, who is his help. When we get another stud linbacker in here you can bet your that POZ will be good.
  19. People who want this team to lose are bad fans, or i like to say bandwagon fans. When things go south you automatically discredit everything. BUT as soon as it turns around your the first to say i always "bill-ieved" in this team. I cannot root for this team to lose, NOR WILL I. What they get the 6th pick instead of the 8th big deal. what good has a top ten pick done us in the past IDK 10+ years Besides i prefer pick 32, but thats just my preference.
  20. It seems that every week there are 4-5 players going down with concussions. Do you think that the NFL should invest into creating a new safer helmet for the players to wear? I dont ever recall this many concussions in one season in all my years of watching football. If anyone has any info/input on this i would love to know. If this has already been started/ talked about somewhere else i am sorry, but im kinda new to the board. What do ya guys think?
  21. I dont think its just a "Bills" problem. Its a league wide thing. There is so much emphasis on getting bigger and stronger that the players bodys are under so much stress that they wear out faster and easier. Plus the equipment is outdated, especially helmets. I dont remember seeing as many concusions ever as i have seen this year. The helmets need to be upgraded and fast. Now im no doctor its just my opinion, but i did stay at a holliday inn last night!
  22. I want (Insert name here) as my qb next year. If he wins me 8-10 games then hes my guy. Im only going 8-10 because that would feel like a rejuvinated experience for everyone!!!
  23. Never heard of Dave willy. But Drew Willy hes a nice fella
  24. I want to see a game played like the weahter we are having in the southtows today. I loved playing in this type of stuff when i was a kid.
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