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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I think this rule almost is backfiring on the NFL. How may times has a minority coach been interviewed just to follow rules. As proven in previous threads with the Seahawks.
  2. How quickly people forget... He has 1 bad year and people right him off. Im sticking with he will be back next tyear
  3. WE dont have to. Everyone else will do it for us, and we can mock them for doing so.
  4. Ummmmmm....... Hmmmmm. Im not sure if this one is gona happen, i just got a crazy feeling...
  5. Yay i asked Joe Logan, he told me so i have to thank him...oops i mean my inside source...
  6. HAHA whyyyy???
  8. Did you know the Sehawks want Carroll. Should I start a thread???
  9. I remember this like it was yesterday. My whole family went to my uncles back porch to get food before the overtime...or so they thought. They all thought i was joking when i came running outside saying we just lost the game.
  10. So i guess his pro-bowl season ment nothing last year. He missed the first 3 games this year and was not allowed oto be with the team. If you listened to all the "experts" that really kills all the momentum/ you have Lets throw him to the curb like Cedric Benson cause hes no good either.
  11. At least we would know if we won the game or not. or if we were making it to the PLAYOFFS???
  12. There will be alot of the next few days in Buffalo
  13. THANK YOU! This is not a joke i new someone addicted, i must say scariest moments of my life trying to help them. I feel bad for the guy though. hes trying and with all the stuff you said and i have heard he does, it seems like he should be able to break the habbit, bt drugs are a powerful thing to get involved with.
  14. I saw him walking a dog, it wasent his, but he was walking it anyways
  15. Previous thread statement "Wait for it... Wait for ittt....
  16. I just watched it a 3rd time. I love it!
  17. Saying a band sucks because you dont like their music is childish. I am not a music snob, but i do know, study and play music. Nickleback is geard toward the Teenage crowd, not you or me. I have no problem with them, like or dislike. If you dont like there music dont listen to it. No need to complain about it and say they are the worst band ever. Trust me they are far from it.
  18. Triple B Burger...Its gota be, sounds so dang delicious!
  19. I heard that a source close to poojer heard from anohter source that just jack was going to sign with Hot Pockets for lunch today stating "there were very few options and he had to chose what was best for him"
  20. Sully is a negative nancy. That is all thank you
  21. Sounds like KC is trying to reunite the old NE coaching staff... Great
  22. Meatloaf get the Meatloaf... MA, THE MEATLOAF!!!!
  23. This man has a very good point!
  24. Can we just draft the Alabama front 7. It would make things so much easier.
  25. HAHAHAHAH... and HAHAHA.. and again HAHAHA
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