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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Seriously dude, you are building a terrible rep here, Just relax a bit and let stuff play out. If you keep this up you'll be catagorized with some of the others around here...and thats not a good thing
  2. He is one of those guys that if you dont know your like hmmm, outspoken a little, but once you get to know him hes a great dude!
  3. Ah Queen. What a great Band!!!
  4. He "Is done with the Bills" so he is saying he is not a fan. Im done with this thread. Im dont want to make anyone else an enemy
  5. Yes that is correct, so it would be $700 total. Does anyone know or can estimate cost of utilities. Thanks for all the response guys!
  6. Why it actually took like 7 like and like a half days like you know. Like i didnt relaize this was like english class like i was like in like high school again like my teacher trying to like correct me grammer. Like and like ripping me like states like that you have like no argument like left, so like you should just like go away. take your avatar down cause like you are like no obviously like a Bills fan. Seriously dude. If you dont like the Bills, dont be on this board. Why is that such a hard concept. (this took 5 min to write because i had to strategically place all the likes
  7. HAHA no im expecting to pay about 350 a month rent + utilities.
  8. Im white to clear that up.. lol. I can only think of 2 things really, 1) I have debts from School and Car loans (around 35K) and 2) i really have no credit. I do have some, damn credit cards, worst thing ever invented. Bus besides that i cant really figure it out. Though i just did get a call back about 15 min ago and im going to look at an apt tonight in Lackawana, so here si to things looking up
  9. DURRRHHHHH to you sir. He is saying if you are not a fan of this team dont be but dont come on this board and say your not, just leave quietly. And to your business comment you should not speak. You bashing the Heads of this organization, si like telling your boss he is old and does not know what he is thinking. So you tell me how far that is going to take you. You my friend have just been served.
  10. Hey All, I am currently searching for my first apartment with a buddy of mine, there is just one problem. I am stereotyped as the average 23 year old male who loves to party. Dont get me wrong i do love me some drinks but im just getting frusturated. No Apartment will take me seriously, I have a full time and make decent money, but still because im young i get looked donw up on. I am serching in the western New York area (Hamburg, Lackawana, OP, Buffalo(Downtown area-ish) Can anyone provide me any advice. with what to do, where to go, how to convince people to let me rent. Thanks, J
  11. SHHH dont say that, cause then we will always have to make sense of things, and sometimes with what is said here, that is really hard to do.
  12. A Business man getting teh biggest bang for his buck... Holy Crap someone tell America Ralph Wilson has discoverd the answer. Seriosuly though the RW bashing is ridiculous. The man is responsible and has acheived so much in his life time, the man is a model citizen as well. I take my hat off to him. Yea this team may not be good now, but what about the 90's. SO many memories. The team will get better Ralph said he is determined to do so, and i for one believe that man. When has he ever lied to the Bills fans? he may be hush hush about things but news flash most BUSINESSES are and the NFL is just that, a business. If you dont like the Bills, or Ralph go cheer for another team, and get of TBD a Bills FAN Messgae board.
  13. GooseBumps just thinking about it, We need to find a link for this!!
  14. P.S. Thomas Jones was number 1 in the AFC those years if i do recall, i dont have the stats in front of me but it sounds right.
  15. I think he got embarrased after he heard Chuck Norris saved Teddy Bruschi and his dogs from a burning car in the RWS parking lot then realized what he did and threw him back in, but kept the dogs. Does anyone remember those Teddy Bruschi skits from WGR those were classic??
  16. Look who his QB's were. Rushing attack has been #1 since he took over. But thats not any good right? He has a rookie QB now and is doing wonders with it. O and did you know the Jets and B Schott are in the Playoffs?? Man i would hate to have an OC/HC with playoff EXP and EXP coaching a rookie QB
  17. GET THEM NOW!! C'Mon Buddy Nix show me what you got, pull some strings. Marty as our HC for 2 years then his son takes over
  18. HAHA, i see what you did there. You turned his words into something they were not. Seriously though i have a gut feeling we trade out of the top ten to get more picks/players.
  19. Shanny is the worst situation for Washington fans, and i cant wait till they fall apart. If you remember Shanny put Denver into cap Binds twice, i believe by almost $30,000,000.00 <---(looks more deceiving that way) by just cutting and signing players at his will. I dont care what kind of money the Washington Redskins have. The fact is Shanny, who I never wanted, will continue (or atleast i hope) to spend big and push the team against the salary cap.
  20. Makes me excited, maybe this is the guy who "The bills wanted" remember when all that surface, did we even figure out names. Here is to hoping.
  21. LOGIC +1..It's a business. Put anyone in a position like this, adn i bet they try to get as much money as they can as well, face it it is just how it is. The major point is posting that you hate/are done with the bills on a Bills message board is a little :messed up"
  22. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4810861 The did interview Frazier LINKY THINGAMAGIGER^^^^^
  23. I believe Leslie Frazier interviewed for teh position after all, i thought i heard that ill try to find a link to it.
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