You had to have known you were going to get lambasted for this post, yet you fire off with something like that. Get a clue dude, or if you dont like being mocked, dont post stupid ideas that have already been posted 555 to the Nth times...
You posted this TWICE, WTF dude!!! I am sorry for you for what these people are going to do...
Not to mention i summoned Chuck Norris.....Good luck sir
If you didnt know he has not gotten a call for the last 2 years from ANY team. There were 11 coaching vacancies last year and a few this year. It was not "just the Bills" not calling him. It was every team. That should tell you something about this guy.
HAHA thanks, No i cant stand Mike Vick threads beacause they all turn into the same debate about his personal life and not his play, so it was no offense to you.
Right now i do believe we pick 9 and Jax picks 10 so we could maybe swing a deal for Jax to move up and we pick up an extra 3rd and 5ht rounder, along with number 10 overall..
$20 says this guy is back in a month or 2 talking about the draft...and so will all the other "quitters" on this board. This Bills are kinda like smoking hard to quit once you have the first one.
I quit on the Bills once. Then they came back a won a game know as the greates comeback in the NFL or simply "The Comeback." I'll never make that mistake twice.
Was that not his point though, that get on board with this new regime and let them right the ship. They(the new staff) are innocent untill proven guilty, i agree with him.
I agree with your last point. Most of us here would give up our (insert Here) to follow and talk about the Bills and get paid to do so. Instead we sit here fake working on excel spreadsheet to get the info from them.
If they dont like covering the Bills, fine dont do it. But dont comlain about it to all of us