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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Colts in a land slide Colts -45 Saints - 24 The saints almost lost when Favre and the Vikes handed the ball to them 5 times. Manning will not turn the ball over, adn Indys offense will where down the saints defense, and hold control of the ball for a long time in this one. Indys defense will rise to the occasion and slow down the Saints O
  2. I can see it happening, for either team. I can see the game getting out of hand qucikly, if either defense can stop the other O. It's still a question to be seen.
  3. I have been thinking about this for awhile;(these are just rough guess-timates) The NFL salary cap is $128,000,000.00 the average team spends about $115,000,000.00 32 teams in the league x32 $3,680,000,000.00 just in salary The average NFL ticket is $50 Aveager attendance is i believe is ballpark 45,000 ( it may be higher) 45,000 X $50 =$2,250,000.000 8 home games per team 32 teams = $576,000,000.00 Total $$$ Just in the NFL as a business in theses areas is $4,256,000,000.00 (not adding TV Contracts, merchandise etc..) I dont blame some owners for trying to drive the cost down especially with the economy as is. The NFL has become gretty on all sides what 6 million a year is not good enough to live off of anymore. On the owners side Jerry Jones do you need that extra 50 million dollars?
  4. Im not saying that, i was just stating that people are already writing off kids who have yet to play an NFL game, a little ridiculous if you ask me...
  5. We were looking for a real number. What did you wager? Texas with a dollar sign excellent.
  6. Speculation at its finest right there folks. you have no proof that any of the QBs coming out of college are going to franchise QB's or not. Why dont we wait and see how it all plays out before we kick every QB who has yet to play a game in the NFL This board has gotten out of hadn with this.
  7. Who's this Aaron Maybin you speak of?
  8. LOLz, I hate when people say that, ToronTo has 2 T's.. and is pronounced Tore-on-tow, Not, tor-on-o!
  9. Yes you are correct. Man my memory is having an off day today...
  10. I thought this thread was created to not talk about the subject it was directed at, Unless I'm mistaken...
  11. Lets recap covers; off the top of my head... 2001- Eddie George (fell of teh face ot the earth after, concussion problems) 2002- Daunte Cullpepper ( Also fell of the earth revived in Oakland and Detroit 2003-Mike Vick(i think he my have been 04)(well we all know this story) 2004 ??? 2005- ??? 2006- Donovan McNabb( THE ONLY EXCEPTION) 2007- Shaun Alexander ( Was out of teh league the next year) 2008 - Vince Young ( went crazy after injury) 2009 - Troy Hairamalou & Larry Fitzgerald( Troy out for season, Larry decent season)
  12. But, but, but... I have an inferiority complex and have to make myself feel important, I have to be heard, So i must start a new post that an old post has alright beaten to death, and tell people not to talk about what im trying to talk about.
  13. SO basically this post is just a B ch fest and provides nothign to enlighten. SO let me try. Clausen played behind a terrible o-line and had NO, NADA and zilch defense, and he was playing in College, had been coached to play a pro style ofense, adn is the "Most NFL ready" by many standards. Fitzpatrick did his losing in the pros where he has had the oppertunity to prove he is a starter and has failed.
  14. Garcia = Vick + 10 years, no thanks.
  15. This is obviously a diss a t Buffalo, the city and the organization. If you read between the lines he is saying a team like this cant win and is a mess, and and and our new coaching hires are dumb. and he is pleading for the Dolphins to sing him...
  16. Elliott has been on fire lately, where did he come from? One thing i want to know is how the Leafs got Calgarys best defensemen for so little???
  17. My favorite Bills call ever was in a game against Miami a few years back it did not sell out... "If you weren't her today, you should have been"
  18. We had a sports forum when i was attending Medaille College and it was a 2 hour debate on what is and is not a sport! Probably the fun-nest day at college ever!!!
  19. Going to the game tonight!!! Anyone else going? Is tonight we end this senators winning streak? I sure as hell hope so. Its gona be tough though, second hottest team in the league behind washington. 9 game winning streak, 3-0 against the Sabres this year. They seem to have our number. Heres to hoping we knock em back a few LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!
  20. This was the last Sunday i ever worked in my life, and this is the game that made me not work Sundays when i had my part time job. I video-Taped, yes VIDEO-TAPED it. Got home watched then wathced it again!!!! Thats how long ago that was...
  21. My thoughts exactly to this thread and that post...
  22. I am actually dumbfounded by these stats. No first round picks by either team! It really makes me angry that the Bills just cant seem to get it right no matter who is making the picks
  23. Congrats man,hope all is well. Start her off right, when she is sitting in that bouncy rolly chair thing-a-ma-jig. put on "The Comeback" game in the background.It has to be the first Bills game she sees!
  24. Yea ive notice that. I know someone who just got hit with their 2nd DWI and the fine was pretty stiff. I think a couple of these should be on the first DWI. 30 days jail time $1,200 in fines AA meetings 1 year probation Drivers Liscense revoked for a year has to sit with Victims of families who has lost loved ones due to drunk drivers
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