I have been thinking about this for awhile;(these are just rough guess-timates)
The NFL salary cap is $128,000,000.00
the average team spends about $115,000,000.00
32 teams in the league x32 $3,680,000,000.00 just in salary
The average NFL ticket is $50
Aveager attendance is i believe is ballpark 45,000 ( it may be higher) 45,000 X $50 =$2,250,000.000
8 home games per team 32 teams = $576,000,000.00
Total $$$ Just in the NFL as a business in theses areas is $4,256,000,000.00 (not adding TV Contracts, merchandise etc..)
I dont blame some owners for trying to drive the cost down especially with the economy as is.
The NFL has become gretty on all sides what 6 million a year is not good enough to live off of anymore. On the owners side Jerry Jones do you need that extra 50 million dollars?