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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I felt like an idiot after finding out that is what you had to do. Here i am trying to over complicate it because thats just what i do, i turn look back at it and just go, thats all.
  2. We have to give Hardy and Johnson a chance they have "Potential"
  3. I just got TSW Rick Rolled. Never gona give you up..... I will be quietly dancing to this song all day now.
  4. Snacks are an essential element. Right now i have Cheez-itz and chocolate covered pretzels in one of my droors. You will find yourself getting hungry with how uneventful some days can be, well at least i do.
  5. RED ENDZONES, Man i miss those. That was signature back in teh 90's. We need those back. Prioirty # 1 1) Red Endzones 2) NT 3) LT 4) QB 5) LB - I put it here cause apparently we have a billion LB's now with Maybin and Ellis swithcing to LB
  6. It was unbelieveable, I was actually somewhat aggrevated by the whole thing. Both Russian pairs and the Canadian pair falter yet score higher that others who run flawless runs. I thought the new scoring system was supposed to prevent that, guess not. Even the announcers were stunned at some of the scores...
  7. Sorry to hear Mead. At least you know there is no more suffering, and thats what i looked at when i lost several family members to cancer.
  8. You are worried about injury prone but want to pick up 36 year old Jeff Garcia, and i just had a possible career ending injury Chad Pennington. McNabb >>>>>>>>>> Both of those guys.
  9. We could play the first 5-4-2 Defense. 2 BIG Dts in the middle, 5 Lb's scattered all around the field in every which way no in a down stance and 4 DB's....
  10. Cant some of us TBD'ERS just be happy with this annoucement and speculate who they are going to get to fill the wholes on the defense with the rest of us.
  11. Cop Out looks like a hillarious movie, Get out of the car! Is it because im black? No it's cause your 10!!!!!
  12. Like i said in a different thread just draft this guy ^^^^
  13. I did nothing in school that day. We all just sat back and watched as everything took place. I still cannot to this day watch the towers fall. It gives me a sickening feeling and i have to turn away everytime. I can just imagine being in that building as it is falling and knowing this is it.
  14. Im so tired of all of this negativity. Apparently the people who aer just having fun being a Bills fan are idiotic and being sucked into quicksand and cant see what is really happening. I believe we are going 19-0, but i say this every year. Then every year after we lose i say next year 19-0!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!
  15. I want this guy as my QB, only because of his name. When the Bills score - Case and Point. When the Bills win - Case Closed. When he throws an amazing pass - It will be hard to defend this Case. I could keep gong....
  16. Im SO sick of this Let me enjoy my damn Buffalo Bills. If you want the Bills to move out of Buffalo then you are nto a true Bills fan. I will enjoy watchig MY TEAM play whether at the stadium or at my house. WHy because it lets me forget about s t for a couple hours and lets me focus on things other than my life. Damn so of you people are just plain stupid...
  17. I was being a jokester thought the whole would have outlined that but i guess not
  18. Well if your time was not in military time then it would have been 3:14... It depends if you get a sheet pizza pi, then pi = square ...and i win, im going home and taking this to the bank, good night all!
  19. Either this was really good timing on my part, or just dumb luck. Since i love myself more than others i will go with the first one...
  20. Didnt you also post that it is less and less liekly we get a QB in teh draft!!! Which one is it...Please tell meeeeeeeeee
  21. No one had heard of Marv either when they picked him to be there coach back in '87. He was terrible if i remeber. Man the Bills of the 90's sucked..... +2<<<----A first for me as well. All these :pissere and moaners" will be right next to all of us opening day cheering and rooting for this team, I wish they would just face that fact already. One last thing if i dont have an opinion does that mean I dont have.....
  22. Comparing a city without power for a few days to an entire city under feet of water is absurd. SO he sees the Sabres as trying to build a winner but the Bills as money 's... They are both the same IMO. (We know about how the Bills do) The Sabres keep getting average players and portraying them as stars in the league (Stafford, McCarthur, Sekera....) Teh Sabres are "afraid" to go after the big name guys and play teh Free agent trade game. The Sabres let their own free agents walk instead of paying the money (Drury, Campbell, Briere, Griere(the first time), Got backed into a corner and wound up having to overpay Vanek) I see both owners, FO staff being one in teh same, but that is just me.
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