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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. IM pretty excited now that when i wake up for work in the morning(6:45) it is lightout, and when i leave(5:00pm) there is still another 2 hours of day time!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!
  2. ^^^.... Just adding to the post count... la de de la de da....
  3. It's kinda like the song that never ends... It just goes on and on my friend.
  4. Good thing i dont do that at work, thats grounds for termination. Are we really stretching this one or is it just me? Hes 400lbs... thats alot of weight to move if it's eve dead weight(which would make it even harder to move) Im in for this one.
  5. Not cell phone but ipod: Dropped over 50 times easily. Thrown about 20 feet after i was messing around and it slipped out of my hand ripped the ear phone jack out and flew down the driveway Forze to my cousins driveway for 2 weeks. Yes 2 Weeks during tht winter. I just happen to look down one day getting out of my car and bam there it is. took about a day to recover, but got it to work after that. 2 days later it goes through the wash. Takes about 2 weeks but works perfectly again. Goes through the wash 2 weeks later, have yet to try it again. I think i will try it tonight see how that goes....I will give you an update tomorrow Went out bought a Zune. Best decision of my life!
  6. Oh thats just jack....
  7. Yea they are going to have one large quake that breaks California away from teh Rest of the US and they will float away! It will be the hot new vacation spot. Arnold will make California into its own country and then become "pres-dent" said like spelled
  8. So over under how many post befor we get the "porn sites"
  9. I bet your the same guy thay stole my bobsled!!!!!
  10. How many of those US teams sellout, How many of teh Canadian Teams sell out every game. Im from The Good Ol USA, but Canada is better at hockey then the USA, just like the USA is superior to Canada in football. Yea the Gap may be shrinking, but right now canada still has teh edge. Cant wait for the Gold Medal Game. A quote from a dead terrorist: "We kick your a$$"
  11. Damn, thought i left my bobsled in here, guess not. Back to square 1. Can someone let me know when i lose?
  12. Janitor- Have you been stealing pudding cups and toilet peper from the hospital? J.D.- I hate pudding and i dont use (hesitates) Toilet peper....I have one of those things that shoots water up your butt. Janitor - A Bidget? J.D.- Bidget to your sir...
  13. How about the London Sillie Nannies??? Now thats a team i could root for!!
  14. For what is is worth. Estimated snow bans WNY is in teh 6" - 1' range
  15. Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows Your name. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same, You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
  16. Over under... Does this troll have green hair, red hair or blue hair???
  17. The fatter the better. 400 lbs is a hell of alot of weight to move. Even if it is just dead weight and he falls forward onto the center it will still take at least 2 guys to move him!
  18. Here ya go Chef looks like a nasty one coming... A major snowstorm is once again targeting the Northeast beginning Thursday, continuing into Friday. Here is what you need to know to prepare for this high-impact storm: THURSDAY AFTERNOON/NIGHT The storm will reach its peak intensity during this time. Travel impacts will be major, as the storm intensifies rapidly and sweeps toward New England. Major airport delays are likely in Boston (despite a wind-driven rain), New York, and Philadelphia. Delays will also likely "ripple" to Baltimore and Washington, D.C., despite lighter total accumulations expected there. High winds will spread up the New England coast, so expect downed limbs, wires, and power outages to become more widespread as the evening wears on. Winds will intensify on the "backside" of this deepening cyclone from northern New England through Upstate New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, northern Virginia, and West Virginia. Road travel will become dangerous, if not locally impossible Thursday night in these areas due to heavy, wind-driven snow.
  19. Anything with Official and Canada in it i have to laugh at... HAHA (Just kidding by the way) but i have to talk smack... I want a US Canada Rematch that was by far the best game i have watched in a very long time. Players wearing their emotions on their sleeves. Both teams have to be careful not to look past their semi opponets though could be a classic case of that. Especially for Canada not that Sweden lost.
  20. Thats "Tremendously Termendous"
  21. THATS WHAT SHE SAID... sorry i couldent resist... i will punish myself...
  22. At least its somewhat classy, and contributes useful information, instead of bashing players like when was was 17 and got denied for the prom
  23. I was decently for this when i thought we would be getting something, but now not so much...
  24. Or you could ask Bill Nye the science guy....
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