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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Brohm was on a practice squad and could not beat out a 7th rounder for a roster spot. Troy smith was better than Flacco in camp and got sick. If he was "better" than Flacco and Flacco is as good as he is, i say bring him in. WTH do we have to lose?
  2. Ahhhh fiddlesticks!!!!! Im peeved, so steamed at this!!!!! I QUIT THE BILLS(Untill they start winning of course) then im all for every move they make!!!!! (/Sarcasm)
  3. Yesterday i heard possibly the greates insult EVER: "you're so slow it takes you two hours to watch 60 Min"
  4. Hey careful, dont throw that name around here
  5. Tebow is working his A$$ of to get things right. I was not on the Tebow Train to begin with, in fact i was one of teh biggest non supporters of Tebow; but i am slowly coming around (I have one foot in the door) He seems to have a really great work ethic. Which goes really far these days in the NFL. Right now id be willing to bring him in a give him a shot.
  6. You know whats funny. A monkey throwing poo at someone. Now that is funny. This not so much.... Forrest Gump -- Stupid is as stupid does. Will you be laughing when the bills leave Buffalo. I dont get it? Please explain it to me. Im and idiot and dont understand stupidity.
  7. This message has been approved by Chuck Norris /end thread
  8. Bolden Injury Prone, He missed 1 game last year, and got his face broken on a freak hit. How about you break your sinuses and try to stand up?? I dont care if you dont think they are coming here, but at least get the damn facts straight, instead of making false claims...
  9. ^THIS ^^....AND THIS ^^....AND THIS Thanks you guys made that easy.
  10. I had weird feelings once. Then i realized i had to go to the bathroom, but i twas too late. Won't make that mistake again.
  11. What this guy said... <<<<<do you think it ever gets tired of bashing its head on a brick wall??
  12. BLAME CANADA!!!!!!!
  13. There are many times, when i read your posts, look at your snickering dog avatar, look back at your post and go, hmph ain't that the perfect fit.
  14. My cat has cleared a room...More than once. Worse than any human fart i have ever smelled!!!!
  15. You might wana bring it down a notch broski, attacking the vets when you are new is not a good way to gain cred, unless you wana be catagorized... which i see it is to late you already have been, well best of luck to you. And coherent, no im to drunk to be coherent.
  16. Im nervous...DarthIce has not seen this yet. I wonder where he is.............
  17. The issue is coming up now because the Canadian anthem was sung so many times at the Olympics….a woman whose email to her representative led to this brouhaha said while she was proud to see Canadians win gold medals, for 50 years she’s felt “excluded” by the anthem. First they want the right the vote, then equal rights in the workplace, then to run for office, NOW THIS...When will it end!!!!! I keed of course But seriosuly...... Really? This is why i hate people, to damn sensitive about everything. People need to get slapped around a little, get there faces shoved in the mud er something...toughen em up.
  18. Sout Park is far more intellectual then Family Guy thats for sure. the Global warming episode is by far my favorite episode. WE DIDNT LISTEN!!!!! Followed by the episode where Canada goes on strike and no one really cares!!!!
  19. HEY don't call me a Dork... I agree with you, 110% i cant stand him either.
  20. EBC has some dern good beers. The blueberry wheat beer is exceptional!!!! When you do get it on the skirt, use the tide pen. ALWAYS have the tide pen!!!!
  21. The Todd has spoken...... .......and I Agree
  22. It's really easy to use, i bought a 120gb ZUNE, flat black and i paid just as much as i would of for a 8gb ipod touch. Holds 3x as many songs!!!!! The price was worth it, ($300). You can upload videos and pictures to it, plus the fm tuner feature really sold me, if i want to take a break from my own music listen to some radio i can. You can set your own background on it, its not just the whit background like you get in the ipods.
  23. Yeap 645 and out the door by 730 to be at work by 8, ahhh the life!!! Its actually 643 but i lay there for 2 mins if that helps any. P.S. i think 645 is early
  24. The only Thomas i want is the A-TRAIN.. Chug chug chug in a long for 2 ypc!!!!!
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