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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. How do you go about mailing in a yea? I was thinking about 2017 but if it is a long process i might just say fudge it.
  2. Fixed...Dudes just a bad QB
  3. , my first thought My second was how and where he can mail in a year? It does not seem plausable.
  4. People like me!!!!! because i do not want politics to come into a sports debate. Im sorry my views are too messed up for the ever great manbeast
  5. You just proved my point QB > O-line
  6. q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
  7. Please leave politics out of this, for the love of all that is holy!
  8. So did you bite the bullet?? Guitars a beauty. My friend bought a PRS(diff model) a couple months back, and they treated that thing like an angel, like 2 of them carried it over to the case where they gently set her in and said to him " We will know if you dont take care of this one" it was pretty funny stuff. Guitar salesman are really donw to earth people. Cause they actually like what they are selling.
  9. Next hes gona say he likes frnch fries and gravy.....
  10. Cleveland Rocks!!!....... OHIO! OHIO! OHIO! OHIO! OHIO!
  11. We get Scott Norwood to kidnap the Dolphins mascot and Dan Marino so he cannot play in the big game? BRILLIANT!!!
  12. I played real life Frogger today, except i didnt win....
  13. Next you're going to tell me what to do with my money aren't ya???...!!!
  14. Actually i had Nutella the other day on a puffed wheat thing-a-ma-jig i got from Wegmans, DELICIOUS!!!
  15. My mother would make me a PB and Fluff sandwhich everyday in elementary school. MMMMMMMHHHHMMMMMM. Do they even still make that stuff??
  16. Right now im looking between the hole in my legs and everything is upside down, so i overreacted and knocked myself out.
  17. A great Beef on Wheck is always delicious. Or a french dip sandwich is always delicious
  18. Dreadful Dreams
  19. Well, im right here, but no one else is so i guess im nowhere. Which is technically impossible, because you are always somewhere...
  20. ah what the H, now we gots ta start all ovah again... Biblical Butterflies
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