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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. ^^^^This guy is awesome
  2. Just upping the post count... move along, move along like i know you do.
  3. How loud does your music have to be to not hear a train coming, You can feel a train coming when you are on the tracks, its almost impossible to not here feel or sense the train is coming. I thought about it, and think there was something more, maybe a suicide... But that is just me speculating...
  4. San Frandiego Dolphets?????
  5. You're a CURD LOVER.... OY VEY!!!!! Cheese curd.... terrible name, but so dern good!!!! I was known as Vinegar guy to the waitresses at Louies Texas Hots right next to the stadium. Overload the Viegar on those fries!!!!
  6. Que??? OY VEY... Comment Estas???? Buena Vista!!!
  7. James Hardy... EDIT... Thorner, ya beat me to it...
  8. Well that would make you the winner of the second to last post wins thread, which unfortunately is not this thread!
  9. NFL Players and Twitter = Idiocricy!! That being said if we draft him and somehow get Buffalo Bill Cody, we can change our defense name to the Alabama Slammers...
  10. I have to ask how is it SJ is so good dunring the regular season, then gets bounced in rd 1 of the playoffs? What happens? Do they change their style of play?
  11. I should have said past the sweet 16... Every year i think this is the year, and every year i am just like crap crap crap face.... BTW Adam Morrison had the best facial hair of any player.....EVER!!!
  12. It's a long shot, did he ever play DE in college?
  13. I KNEW IT!!! Im returning the favor from him to me about Fluffanutter and Nutella in the sandwhich thread. Called me a dern New Englander!!!!
  14. Gonzaga is alwasy a major dissapointment to me in the tourney. I have to stop taking them into my sweet 16, they alwasy lose
  15. Shhhhhh! Dont talk about it, you are not allowed. My mother used to say this to me: "I dont care what everyone else does, you are not everyone else, and i only care what you are doing" Fast Forward to today. I dont care how the Brows, Pats, Panthers... (Insert Team here) do. I only care what teh Bills do.
  16. Yea, just ask Washington how that works out.
  17. Neither will I. you have to take risks in order to get rewards. It's like they say the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Im all for "Buffalo Bill Cody"
  18. Yea it sucks and its a dirty and has done it before, but he wont be suspended. I cannot believe the NHL did not throw the book at Matt Cooke either. I am more infuriated at that then this hit. Basically the NHL is saying its ok to go head hunting for teh rest of the year, you can knock a man unconscious on a dirty A$$ cheap shot-hit, but we wont suspend you. We will make up excuses and continue getting the exposure we alwasy have wanted. I gues negative press is good press for the NHL
  19. Ever heard of "Those Idiots" Amazing Polish Polka band. Play at the central Terminal then at a Library in Buffalo for Dyngus Day that i will now try to spell.... Maniskezveich Library...i think
  20. He would for sure not be called "beast mode" He would not have those fancy dreadlocks He would have the same personality. Damn those kids and that rap music!!!
  21. We cancelled HBO to save some $$$ on our cable bill, does anyone have a link to where they are showing the first episode. I would Mucho Grande appreciate it!!
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