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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. It's actually "He Hate Me" but to each their own i guess. All i know is in 2010 the team has a winning record of 100%......
  2. ......yea well Chuck Norris once shot down a German stealth war plane, with his finger, by yelling bang.
  3. I have been a Lynch supporter but his actions are loudly speaking that he does not give 2 t's about playing football, cut losses and move on.(Not showing up for voulantary workouts, when eveyone has been questioning his motivation, character) (I have personal experience with this) He injured himself rookie year his ankle. The team was flying to Jacksonville, me and my buddies went to Canada that weekend, and there was Marshwn out at Rumors night club jumping around, dancing and all that crap, when he should have been with the team.
  4. I hate this argument. A) A good QB can play in any weather. B) SO when the weather is crappy in Buffalo its only bad for teh Bills not the other team that is playing them? C) There are many warm weather QB's that now play in cold areas D) How often does weather effect Bills games, Maybe 1 a year.... Give me a qb that can play, and wont make any excuses, i dont give a *)&&*(^T where he is from...
  5. So what that makes you guys 1-11 against us now in the past 2 years... Sabres had an off night... shift happens.
  6. Is this an April Fools thing ...
  7. The one that gives me goosebumps is the goal by Drury against the Rangers with seconds to go!!!! Man that was great. I still remember the dog pile that ensued afterwards!!!!
  8. Chuck Norris does not approve this statement...
  9. So we can offer the Browns a 6th now and there is our 3-4 DT. Im in for that!
  10. So i says to the guys i says..... Rectum, Damn near killed'em I hate myself for that!
  11. They sold all their seats plus they sold exclusion tickets. basically they sold "Standing room only" tickets to people, but more than they had room for. I remeber hearing that on ESPN...
  12. I'd give a 5th, nothing more.
  13. I'm surprised this was not number 1 reply
  14. I shot the sheriff, but i didn't shoot the deputy....
  15. In or out of pants? Did you leave your pants on? Hang em on the door next time, humans are the only mammals that poop with their pants on. FACT!
  16. ^^^^^ +1 If it had said 3 yrs 45 million then maybe a smidge more bellievable, but 17... or an avg of 5.75 mil a year??? C'MON MAN!!!!
  17. I'll get you my Donte, and your little dog too!!!!!!
  18. But this stuff actually happened....... I dont get it......
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