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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. YAWN. I hope we draft Jimmy now just so i can see everyone freak out. It would really make my day. Spiller sucks obviously, hes the next Darren McFadden... Dont you see they are both running backs and both played college ball and both had succesfuall college carreres so obviously they will turn out to be the same guy...
  2. I can say now i honsetly hope to everything that we draft Jimmy Clausen at 9. Not that i think he will be good/bad, just so i can read the "I Quit" "This Team Is Dumb" "Move The Team" "Blam Canada err i mean Ralph" threads. C'mon Bills please make my day!
  3. What football players have personal lives, unheard of. Would you take Big ben who has been accused of raping people.? Whats the difference?
  4. Its a little laye for April fools jokes....
  5. You forgot to mention the Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On, playing as they all slowly fade away!
  6. I laughed at this for about 45 seconds, bt had to do it quietly cause people at work were giving me an eye.
  7. So what you are saying is because those guys, who have nothign to do with Clausen "suck". This means Clausen will suck. Yet you counter your own argument by saying there will be Qb's next year with numbers who will be compared to the others and be good...
  8. Declaring a thumb war. It was a long battle that lasted through the night with the tides turning each way counts of 1 and 2 everyone standing in awe watching an epic event. As JW had Buffalo Bill what looked to be a 3 count at 2 and a half a loud bang erupted. All the men ran to the window to see there worst fears. It was Hector the man eating half man half wolf half bear-pig. All the men now huddled together decided to put there differences aside, and do on only one thing....
  9. Dan Lefevour - Indiananpolis Colts Rd 3. i wouldn't be surprised if they let him sit and learn from Peyton. Edit: I just realized im an idiot... Its Payton, not Peyton.
  10. Im glad you are so insightful. The kid played with basically a broken foot. (Torn ligaments in his foot and a broken toe) Not sure how he is a crybaby. If you dont like him fine but at least get the fact straight. And this is a new one, because Ryan Leaf sucked means Jimmy Clausen will??? Please explain how that works out. i dont know if he will be good, if they draft him ok if they dont all well, but i know the kid has guts and an "im it" attitude, just like Tom Brady and yes Peyton manning.
  11. BB27 who had somehow found the Beerballs secret tree fort and snuck in the night before, and was hiding in the corner holding...
  12. entitled "Butts, For More than Just Sitting" starring Gary Busy. Ch 5 Meanwhile back at Berballs secret Tree fort, He and JW were in the process of coming up with a plot to capture Gary Busy when....
  13. So how do you really feel, about clausen that is...
  14. Smashed through a glass window when he could have easily enterend through the open door. After getting up 5 wide stumbled upon the candy laying at the feet of...
  15. He plays for ND and becaise Brady Quinn played for ND and he is not all that good obviously means the Clausen will not be good... ya dig?
  16. Did you realize you were joking before or after we ripped you apart for this dumb idea?
  17. You do that if your drafting 30th not 9th. So you are suggesting we trade our top 10 pick and not get another 1st in return? Ofiicialy the 2nd craziest thing behind the Lynch, Roscoe and Whitner for a 1st idea.
  18. I can get past the whole jiggling thing. Everytime there are jello shot i have to suck it up though.
  19. Pair of zebra stripe underwear while Yelling...
  20. ^^^^^^^What They said + what they are about to say.
  21. The bunk where jw, damj and blzfan4life were staying. We scurried along to find...
  22. This is why when i am watching when pick 8 comes im moving all the beer, remotes, couch pillows, pretty much everything away from me, just incase some crazy ish goes down. This way i have nothing to throw at the TV.
  23. 15 Days. The wait is killing me...
  24. Oh and another thing, I HATE JELLO!!!
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