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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Im just waiting for my Bulls to get better again. Rasheed has not played with hear since his last days with the pistons. Not sure if it is age, or just an "I got my money, just collecting a check thing" That being said I agree with the above post who said Boston has age/injury issues. Heres to the Bulls pulling for D-Wade next year!!!
  2. I hear ya there. Mine is so patchy and awful its unbelieveable. Im basically a patrick Kane, (If you remember his terrible thing) with black hair instead of blonde. Sie note, Kane is not growing a beard but a playoff mullett!!!
  3. That article was atrocious. No real journalism at all.Perhaps using paragraphs would have helped me follow it. Marshawn "20 Dolla" Lynch... Ive seen some bad stuff written, but that ranks right up there with some of the worst i seen.
  4. I detest the entire thing. Ive heard from many that Bulaga can only play RT or G, that does not fix our LT situation. We chose no D help and a 4th rd TE... It makes little if any sense. C'Mon Kiper, you are better than that...
  5. My playoff beard grows like i try to shave with a 15 yeard old razor, but hey i do it anyways, its all in fun. I will be shaving when i get home from work, then thats it. So much for meeting ladies for the next 2 months!!!
  6. Thats...What...She...Said....
  7. No matter what they do this year or next, im deeming this impossible and it will take a miracle to do this...
  8. So does this mean this thread has now turned into a bash gringo thread, since he wont be able to see our posts...
  9. Well if we dont trade up we could trade down, and if we dont trade down we can trade up, and i we dont trade up or down we can stay where we are at...
  10. I hear you on this one. We have a window seat going to the second story, and the new pup will basically sit guard there, and if anyone comes by, mailman, paperboy,other cat, dog... she will "alarm" us that someone is coming. The second bold is very true. My old pup would stand guard by my dad, and i would jokingly hit him, he would say ow and yell help, and he would try to protect him by geting between me and him and barking at me. The new pup,she is also very protective, sleeps in front of the stairs as to protect us from intruders.
  11. HBD Chef. I'll have a beer or 6 for ya!
  12. Are you sure?
  13. Ben looked like he had just got back from a 2 week bender, and had not showered in months. Dude looked awful, needs to get his act together and clean himself up.
  14. I'm sorry man, it's never easy. A dog becomes a part of your family. I had my first dog from when i was 4 untill i was 18. I came dwon the stairs the one day and i found my dog laying in a puddle of its own urine. He had a minor stroke. He was still excited to see me come down the stairs, trying to wag his tail, tried to get up but could not, his head was tilted to one side. Just to see him struggling like that was a shot to my whole body. Needless to say i new it the beginning of the end for DJ. I yelled for my dad down the stairs, we picked him up and washed him off. I remember laying with him for the entire day, untill it was time. We got a new dog about 3 years ago the first one since DJ and it took me awhile to grow to her, but i have and love that girl more than ever, no matter how dumb she may be!
  15. See any player signed by Washington in the last 2-3 years...
  16. +1. Still trying to figure that out...
  17. The Bills may Draft Clausen... The Bills may Draft Tebow... The Bills may Draft a LT with 9... The Bills may trade the pick back... I may be right atleast once...
  18. You and me both. I was never really a fan of them either, i really didnt get it all that much.
  19. Dane Cook is not your avearge comedian, he is a different type of comedian. He has his own way to make people laugh, whether you agree with it or not, he does it, and does it well. Most people have this notion that all comeidans are supposed to tell a bunch of one liners with some filler material. Larry Curly and Moe were not your run of teh mill comedey they were slapstick. Now a days if three guys went on tv and beat the snot out of each other for an hour people some would call it a disaster and a disgrace to its origins. Im not a Cook supporter but i have gotten a lugh or 2 out of his material, just because he presents it well. That being said one of my favorite comedic performances is Robin Williams, live on HBO special.
  20. If im a qb and i see either of those guys coming at me my exact response would be "oh eff this" then fall down..
  21. This is the first thread i open, today is going to suck. I can't promise this...
  22. I got a better idea, let kidnap Manning, and the colts mascot, call up Mike Vanderjadt and have him hold them hostage in a warehouse...
  23. JIMMY CLAUSEN..... Secretly sneaks out the back
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