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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I like "Neagtive Nancy" sounds more degrading! 19-0! GO Bills!
  2. We cant even draft busts right to get any credit.
  3. You'd be surprised... I should have know this was an =Pain post. He has a man crush on Furrey.
  4. I'm going to sleep, wake me when this is over.
  5. That pretty much spells the end of The Office. I cant see anyone taking Carell's role over... which sucks
  6. Which is the basis of the company i work for. The world always comes back to revolve around me.
  7. KEEL YOU, I must. Thread DIE!
  8. Infer - to come to a conclusion or form an opinion about something on the basis of evidence or reasoning again I ask...
  9. So you're excited for the Bills to be good, but dont want them to be. . .
  10. +1 Plus i dont see how reporting a rumor heard from a trusted source ESPN, leads to him sucking. Im sure he is told and has a strict schedule on what to do.
  11. I may be dumb, but i have read this like 30 times. Can someone please explain to me on how this quote states Evans is not liked by the coaches, or is not "their guy"...?
  12. Next time you get a new hire at whereever you work, go and ask them if there mother was a prostitute, and see how fast you get thrown out on your a$$ for harassment. Why should this be any different, cause its the NFL? Plus Ireland had no proof from everything i hear, just asked the question. Plus your question is not even compareable to accusing someones mother of being a prostitute, but go ahead and stand up for Ireland.
  13. ^^^This... Que Price is Right Epic Fail Music for the reporter...
  14. If he does not score a TD on his first touch, BUST!
  15. Dank I understand where your are coming from a first round pick is a huge investment, but i feel that they could have gone about it by asking more appropriate questions, or wording it differently. "What did your mom do for a living" "What did she do in her spare time" "Did your mother have any issues growing up as a kid" I was talkign to one of the hiring managers at my company about this, and he said that there would be a law suit against the company, and just to close shop.
  16. In the heat of the moment yes i probably would have, i have a very short temper with this kind of stuff. Going into the interview knowing that i still have 31 other chances to go somewhere, i probably would have had a few choice words for the guy. Granted you have to explain yourself afterwards about why you blew up, i think most logical people would understand. To me it is crossing the line.
  17. I agree with you completely. I dont care who you are or what you do, You do not/will not talk about my family/friends. Thats a bunch a BS by the Dolphins, and it shows very little class. Comparison or not, it is a BS question. I would have lost my mind and probably ruined that guys life with some of the things i would have said, but that is just me.
  18. You cant blame 3 of the 4 goals on him yesterday. A lucky deflection, Leaving Recchi all alone on the side of the net, Leaving Satan Alone in front of the net. NOt really Miller fault so i dont understand why people have to trash the best player on our team....
  19. I hear they do like it rough in the trenches...
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