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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. This + 1,000.000 These actions are inexcusable. I dont care if the pimp sold him the girl, and he didnt know her age. Man how far some people can fall...
  2. I see what ya did there... I LOL'd....
  3. Did i mention people started throwing grapes at you... I think it was because of the massive amount of wine i had been drinking on the wine tour that weekend... Wine hangovers are awful!
  4. Isn't it ironic, dont ya think? You should call them to be there slogan campaign manager. No straw hat, No short hair, tight pants like the "emo" kids wear? You didnt see the sarcasm in the post???. Next time i will note with something like this !SARCASM! No thanks, besides Chuck Norris jokes are not funny, they are not even jokes actually.
  5. What your gona tell me you dont like the PBR. It is by far the bestest most delicious non feeling like crap beer in the morning out there....
  6. A big THANKS to all the mods that keep this site running smoothly (most of the time) minus a few less then entertaining posts that get shut down quickly! This is a daily stop along the way and usually end up spending most of my work day here... Thanks again mods!
  7. I had a dream nightmare that this thread ended and crowned Beerball the winner...
  8. This (bolded part) could end this all.
  9. Sam Adams Cherry Wheat draft! Sam Adams Summer Ale
  10. I've been in situations before, as I'm sure we all have where I felt i did nothing to offend the person, but said person was actually very upset, angry... at what i said. a simple hey man sorry bout that whole ordeal back there can go a long way. Suck it up and be the bigger man again, even if you have to "heaven forbid" take a bruise on your internet ego by admitting you were in the wrong.
  11. ...And a simple apology to Tim Grahm and Lori can go a long way as well.... It does not matter if you think you did nothing wrong. You offended him, man up and apologize to him, and Lori for putting them both in spots they do not wish to be in.
  12. You will know the answer to that question on June 15.
  13. I see what ya did hear, and yes!
  14. Invent you, the Yottabyte...hmmmmmm.
  15. Well good for him he reaches 100+ mph... I was just at the Bisons game the other day and the Louisville pitcher was throwing 100 mph in the first inning, gasps and cheers from the crowd everytime he hit the 100+ mark. It was really entertaining.
  16. Care to explain....
  17. Last post befor the 9-5 workday ends. I win!!!!!! 5's on winning this thread!
  18. It's called using resources to gain profit cheif. Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networking sites. ESPN is smart and using it to their full advantage. They can take a large amount of info and get it out quick ie: Player A traded to Team A for Player B. Then get the full article printed later. ESPN wants to be know for "Heard it here first" and they do a damn good job at it. Whats childish is a grown man or preceived to be grown man(poster on TBD) attacking someone doing a favor to this board(TG) because he does not like twitter. Telling someone to tell one of their best friend to STFU and then going back and basically mocking him by saying "Guess thats a no" Whats more childish? ESPN does a great job at providing information to sports fans just like me and you. Yea they may overkill things sometimes, but they are only doing their job.
  19. Except the Thread was devoted to asking Tim questions, and i bet the last thing he expected was to see was a post bashing one of his best friends, his company and pretty much him. It was not Tims job to open that thread but did it on the basis of going out of his way to interact with fans.
  20. ^^^This This board though it has grown has fallen a little bit with some of the idiotic posts & posters that have stumbled onto this board.
  21. +1 I dont smoke cant stand it. I was recently at Dunn Tire raceway for the crash-o-rama and a guy and girl sitting in front of me with their 2 -3 year old i may add smoked the entire time, and every time the exhaled the smoke came right up and hit us in the face. Needless to say, about 30 min later the guy behind me got real fed up and we wound up driving the people out of the section. Calling us inconsiderate....irony i think so...
  22. ^This, though i never posted in the Grahm thread i enjoyed reading his insight. Thirded, fourth-ded, and fifth-ded Yes, but he is a professional and is taking his time to come talk to the fans here. The least we could do is show a little resopect for the guy; but I guess that is to much to ask. Add: Lori- I would like to thank you for all that you put up with, that goes for all the higher ups at TBD. Thanks to all for providing this site for us to vent and discuss Bills football, and i apologize for some of the stupidity of others.
  23. My bad TO I was thinking dollarcoin and Billsfan=pain, but it was your post so your name was the first that poped into my head. Can i stay on this wall though, it will be the first time i get recognized for anything really...
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