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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Excellent story JW. I just can't believe he recovered that quickly from a broken neck! as BeerBall said nicely presented.
  2. I leave for the weekend and this is what this thread turns into.... Though the picture is pretty spot on. o yeah, 5's on winning this thread
  3. As weird as this sounds it that is the first thing that popped into my head when i heard the news we could be getting him. Right now though my thoughts are from a a song by Imogen Heap "where are we, What the Hell, Is going on, The dust has only just began to fall" C'mon Buddy lets get this done!
  4. Thanks for that you are so kind. I vote for the bolded. 5's on winning this thread.
  5. I was smiling by the end of this article, Im feeling like a little kid at christmas time. Is it September yet?
  6. At least then the Pats* wouldn't have the only asterisk SB winning team in the division....
  7. Hi Killjoy, nice to meet you....
  8. If this happens i consider this one of the best offseasons we have had in a little while!!!!!
  9. Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight, get down tonight!!!!!!!
  10. Well...... evrything is bigger, in Texas.
  11. Sure go ahead prove my point to be a non factor... Lets just hope it was an international trade and not just hey Joe call Chris, see if he wants to buy or sell...
  12. I need some ketchup... and some mustard....
  13. You actually have it 41 times....................
  14. This +1 I dont need a luxury box, i don't need some chef to cook me prime rib. What i need is a seat, a foot long broiled hot dog, and a couple of brewskies to get me through the game... Some times more on the brewski part when we play the Browns...
  15. I would have loved to have been in that financial advisors room when this happened. Seriously though how do you eff up that bad $16,000,000.00 $16,000,000,000.00 Something does not look right there....
  16. Next Person to post is NOT the winner and is automatically disqualified.
  17. +1,100 This guys got the good S T !
  18. Tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?
  19. Gotta keep you on your toes a little bit thats all hahah, Random > Bland....
  20. This + 1,000 Just because he plays sports, that is what people will say brought out the brutality of all of this. Sports made his temper flare...
  21. See Duke Lacrosse case, covered by every national media outlet there was...
  22. Will the updates finally end the "Last post wins" thread
  23. Rod Smart!! Heck while we are at it lets get Tommy Maddox as well...
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