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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. This Too...
  2. HAHA, HAHA, Awesome Vid!!!
  3. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109305/ Blue Chips, a great movie on how the insides of college sports works!
  4. OK,OK You win!!!!!
  5. Whew, we almost let Lori win, that was a close one. I need to sit down. . .
  6. Delete The Effing text messages, my goodness, all these rookies.
  7. My head just sploded!!!!
  8. O goody, another poster who thinks everyone should get hurt. I wish i knew, but i dont. Considered internet tough guys. What do you expect for him, hes been a troll ever since hes been on this board.
  9. This is how... Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? All those nights when your've got no lights, the check is in the mail. And your little angel hung the cat up by it's tail. And your third fiance didn't show! Sometimes you wanna go.. Where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, the troubles are all the same. you wanna be where everybody knows your name You roll out of bed, mr. Coffee is dead, the morning's looking bright And your shrink ran off to Europe, and didn't even write. And your husband wants to be a girl! Be glad there's one place in the world Where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
  10. Wht u Tlkn bt? As much as i am game for new media, i still am not fully on board with Twitter, Mainly because you see things like the above statement.
  11. Qualitative. I should have said passion an drive to learn and play teh game, heart if you will.. sure, sure, thats what they all say.
  12. Well all time for bed, gym kicked my arse today, and going into work early tomorrow! One if by land Two if by sea, I will win and all bow to me! Night all!
  13. Don't get me excited like that, I thought this was an I quit post. There has not been one in a while, i was very dissapointed there was not one after the draft.
  14. No that is not what i am saying, in fact i never said those words. Donte's house got broken into and jewelry got stolen from it, Leodis's house trashed. Donte being disrespected. This stuff adds up, it's one thing to not like a player fine, but to go out of your way to cause harm, mentally, physically, emotionally is ignorant and childish. One of the biggest fears of players now in the NFL is keeping them and their family safe that is why alot of them carry guns. . . Sometimes the safety of one self, family, property overshadows any kid of money. Though it does not apply in Whitners "Twitter case" but it does in the others. ^this +2. I understadn people are not happy with Whitner, but he is a valuable asset on this team, leadership and passion wise.
  15. I love how people bash Whitner on this board. It is not his fault for being drafted number 8 overall, it was a dumb move by our then F.O., yet all the blame falls on him. He may not be the best player at his position but hes a damn good leader and one of the only guys to show any type of emotion last year(Crying after a heartbreaking loss, takling the Oakland receiver in the endzone for showboating). Not to mention one of the nicest, down to earth football players you will ever meet, and a great community guy, no thug. Plus do people actually stop and think that this will have a negative effect on free agency, or any player signing with the Bills in teh future. If he goes somewhere else, and a player from his new team is coming for a visit here and Donte is asked about his time here, the first things that will come up, the disrecpect the fans showed him. People need to stop and think, or atlesast show a little respect. Just my $.50
  16. Anyone have experience in their Sabres Jerseys? Gona buy one for my dad and sister. just want to make sure they look good. They look decent in the photos though!
  17. This should be the only reply in this thread.
  18. Just don't let it happen again, or I'll have to get Beerball to disqualify you, again. How did he become the self annointed disqualifier-guy anyway?
  19. Hey now, thats not very nice mister!
  20. Just making my daily appearance... la de da....
  21. Lebron to the Bulls!!!!!!
  22. I'll ask teh question everyone wants to know. Was there any afterburn, you know... "hours later"?
  23. Im not doing it, and the anticipation is killing me...
  24. A) We did bring in some big name free agents a LB and DE to help solidify our D. Sorry their names are not big enough i cant remember them... B) We did draft really well, May not be big names but thats what gets you in trouble, drafting guys people have heard of. C) We are Bills fans, it's what we do.
  25. I would like to add my input so here it goes.... Read the quoted above. Man i made some good points...
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