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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Jester, care to give any insight on that. . . Either way i hope someone else takes him on adn tries im out. We dont need any more projects. We also dont need to publicity this would cause if it fails. With that being said if he gets a shot, i hope he does well. . .
  2. Raspberry. There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry: Lone Star!
  3. Most older horror movies are, compared to the now a days "stuff" I think thats the problem now a days, horror movies are more for effects and not scare the pants off you. You have to admit, seing those movies as a kid, The Shining, The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween. You never slept well after.(I know i slept with 1 eye open a coupld of times) Now go back and watch them, you basically laugh at how bad effects, methods to scare you are.
  4. 6 more hours then its vacation time!! WOOT WOOT!!
  5. What these guys said, I dont understand how people can watch this crap. how is it any different from dog fighting or any other sort of animal curelty, IMO Only thing that sucks is the bull only got him once. . .
  6. . . .and to think if she owned a Toyota she probably could have gotten off. . .
  7. Well. . . details, DETAILS!!
  8. While the Shining is still on the top of my list, i will have to add the original Nightmare on Elm Street. 1,2 Freddy's comin fro you. 3,4 Better lock you door. 5,6 Get your crucifix. 7,8 Better stay up late. 9,10 Never sleep again.
  9. This is the kinda outlook we need here!!!
  10. This minus the Where is GoBillsInDallas for all of this, I need another would ya thread. . .
  11. Little Giants
  12. I think you can say the same thig about what you just said. . .
  13. I like you cause your a Bills fan, I like you cause your a Braves fan, aww man your a flyers fan too, well that sucks. They took the whopin stick to the Canadians. Carter and Richards are on fire rigth now, talk about making a statement on the short handed and empty net goals! I just cant believe neither series was even close.
  14. I don't want her, you can have her, shes to fat for me. HEY!!!
  15. Speaking of, i opened my pantry to find 2 mini boxes of cereal, one Trix and one Cheerios, and i totally went with the Trix!!
  16. Nice!!! Lets go OU-ES-EH!!!!!
  17. Whats all this fuss about now?
  18. You are only delaying the inevitable. . .
  19. Whad-jyou-do?
  20. If Bad Bada Mama Jama Levi Brown could start and then we can sign Chris Fu'amatu'ma'afala. Man Berman could have some fun with that. . .
  21. Last time you said that, no one ever did, and i missed my re-runs of Golden Girls!
  22. HOT POCKETS!!!!!!!!!
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