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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I would like to add we are very deep at safety, and this has just surfaced. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true Maybe Nix can swing a trade as Eagles are in desperate need for a S/DB
  2. Cal really screwed this kid by not letting juniors run at the junior day, but hey good for us. He ranks pretty well out of all the safeties, but was ranked near dead last. Another feel good story. It sounds like Buddy an Co., are going after guys who had to work to get to where they are. Diamond In The Rough
  3. I gues I should not have used I, but should have used others have to pay, for people whould could not afford what they acquired in debt. To answer your question, no you should not. . .
  4. My company is hiring. . . Whats her number?
  5. Working on that part, I built up a balance when i was younger and stupid and only made minimum payments because there was no interest on anyhting under $500. Well i went over 500, way over, and now i a paying for it. It is my fault that i am in the debt i am, I was dumb about it, but i still should not have to pay almost 30% interest plus alomost $40 a month, for reasons un-announced to me. . . .Because others cant pay their bills, i have to suffer the consequences?
  6. I have one part of that down, not going to tell you which part. . . Im going to have to go back and look, and the full statement of if they put a notification in, I dont ever remember seeing any sort of informative statement, just the we are goignt o raise your interest rate so high, we will have you by the thing. What actions did you\your brother have to take to settle this?
  7. SO my credit card company informed me a couple months ago they were raising my interest rate to 29.95%. Which already pissed me off enough. I open up my monthly bill, and i get hit with this "ProRat Annfee" (monthly fee) of $37.50. I have quite a substantial amonut on this card, thank you school loans and text books. I made a $200 payment last month but after the interest rate and montly fee were charged it turned out to be around 97 dollars. Basically i am giving away 103 dollars every month. I called and let them know my dissastisfaction, and told them i am going to transfer my funds. The clerk i was talking to told me they would have to charge me transfer and 0 balance fees. WTF!!!!!! Questions for anyone who can answer them. They never informed me they were going to start charging a monthly fee, can they do so without notifying me first? Can they slam me with charges if i transfer my balance to a different card? Thanks to anyone who can answer them. Sorry i had to rant, I am royaly pissed right now.
  8. I'll agree with this 100% of the time!
  9. After what he has shown the past year, he better be there, for his own good. To prove he still has the determination and will to show up and be a part of a team. JMO As long as Marshawn is not driving then i say ok. . .
  10. Great post BB. One of the best i have read in awhile, almost gave me goosebumps. Excellent job. Heres to that
  11. Best worst advice ever. . .
  12. Hmmm, i could have sworn i left my tomahawk in here somewhere. . .
  13. I said goodnight!
  14. Goodnight all
  15. "I'm sorry officer my WOW character got cancelled and i had nowhere else to turn"
  16. Best of luck to you and your family DC. I have lost 2 family members to it, so i know how it is. Heres to hoping this vaccine is the start of a huge breakthrough in modenr medicine!
  17. Ive got 5 off the top of my head Chevelle - Forefit Sevendust - Face to Face Teneacious D - Master Exploder Ozzy/Black Sabbath - Crazy Train Dragonforce - Heroes
  18. This would be one of the most amazing breakthroughs in modern medicine, if not the top!
  19. Good Story. All you see in the news now is the all about me crap, the negative side. This will hardly get recognized. The other story that i really enjoyed was the one where the 2 girls from the opposing team carried the other around the bases after she hit her first home run and blew out her knee.
  20. Well that sucks. . .
  21. I'm Back!!!!! What I miss?
  22. Though this has nothing to do with he playoffs, I would like to thank the Maple Leafs for giving Boston the number 2 overall pick. Division Winners last year Deep playoff run this year Underacheived this year by many standards 2 very good goaltenders now they get the number 2 pick? Boston has some good things coming their way, i expect them 2 be back on top next year, and for awhile after.
  23. I know what your saying here, but WTF did you just say? I agree that they have very little experienced depth on our backline, and hoepfully we can get some players healthy. I think if they can put it together and play a consistent game, a full 90+ min, then they have a very good shot to make a deep run. I have seen this team play very inconsistent in the past. Im am expecting big things from them this year though. Go OU-ES-EH!!!
  24. BUMP!. . ! . .! Why? 'Cause i can. . .
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