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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I respect Mitchell for the whole Cardinals Warner incident after Adrian Wilson, knocked out Trent. I still cant believe no penalty was called. He hit him with the crown of his helmet right in the chin.
  2. SIX THOUSAND + 1 = I win!
  3. I must have missed that part. . . Have you one too what?
  4. When my sister lived in FL I visited her once a year, and had to take the I-95 all the time. I encountered several instances where people would pas me on the right while i was in the right hand lane. Not to mention the speed limit being 75 in some areas. . . Now she lives in Mass. where i have to take the I-93 to get to her house. They use the "Breakdonw lane" or shoulder as a driving lane during rush hour traffic, not to mention randoom 50 ft stretches of lanes that are wide enough to fit 2 cars in each, and the entrance/exit ramps combined into one. That highway is dangerous. IMO the 93 is more dangerous stretch of road, but the drivers, type of driving causes most of the issues in Florida.
  5. Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. . .
  6. Update- He lost his one leg, and he has was severly burned, the doctors are unsure about his other leg, but his spirits are good. He keeps saying at least he still has his life, and thats all you can ask for.
  7. I wanted to take a second and put all the bantering, and silliness of this board aside. Last night while at one of the loacl establishments, I met up with some friends, and there we found out an old friend from high school had stepped on a landmine while over in Iraq. It really humbled the entire group, and the night changed basically to rememberence and talking about friedns and family who currently serve in the military. He is currently in the ICU, and we are all waiting on a status update to inform us how he is doing. I just wanted to take a second to firstly thank all the members of this board who currently serve and have previously serve in the armed forces. Also to everyone who has family members, friends who serve i thank them to. I would like to thank all armed forces members current, retired and those who died for this great country. It makes me realize that as bad as some days get, I am greatful i am able to do what i do, and it is because of those who have the courage to make the ultimate sacrafice. I came across this quote and it puts everything into perspective for me; “The American spirit wears no political label. In service to others and yes, in sacrifice for our country, there are no Republicans; there are no Democrats; there are only Americans.” Thank you all again and again, ~Jeremy
  8. Is he the Beast from Sandlot?
  10. Probably one of the best documentarys i have ever seen. I have a new found respect for Williams, he was able to man up admit he had problems, didnt like who he was, and fixed it. He did 2 of the hardest things for people to do. 1) Admit you ahve problems, and 2) Admit that you have to change who you are. He knows there is more to life than football, and I respect him for that. I remember many calling him a thug and an idiot, including myself. I and all of us were wrong. My favorite part was when asked if he blames his ways on his childhood, he flat out says no, if you do that, and palce the blame on others you have lost all control to change it yourself. Again i say kudos to Williams for manning up, and good for him for getting his life back together and getting back with his wife, and being there for his family, unlike other football stars {cough} Travis Henry {cough}
  11. Maybe we should give the drink to some members on the board, they could use more brain cells. . .
  12. Annoying laughs. . . Its erks me much. People who grind their teeth. It erks me much more.
  13. Good night all
  14. This i know, but i neverd quoted anything from that thread, i never tried to even reply. Ah maybe im just a little bit of an idiot...
  15. Im not sure how that happened. I was reading that thread but never replied to anything. . .
  16. Im not sure whether to laugh or to suspiciously, and cautiously walk away. . .
  17. Yes! Which subsequently means i win. . . Hey only my mother can call me names!!!!
  18. Finger nails on chalkboard Forks on a plate Llamas
  19. Well, excuse me!!!!!
  20. Uhhhhh Whats going on here? ~JL
  21. One of the most horrendois calls I have ever seen in my life. It was not even close. Almost as bad as Music City I feel terrible for the kid, someone Effs up one of the most honorable mentions you can ever have. Good job Ump.
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