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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. I see where you are coming from, but that was 15 years ago, and is a little outdated. I believe it was just a terrible, awful, horredous, insanely bad, terrificly stupid blown call. ... But will we ever know, probably not.
  2. No but if we would have lost it would have been over for sure. What we really need is an england loss! If they tie we are still tied with 2 points and would most likely ned a win in our last game to advance.
  3. Offsides, are you kidding me. Bush league call! I am normally not one to blame the refs, but c'mon man? Are you kidding me???
  5. It's USA in german, watch Beerfest. and no, you need to type louder please. . .
  6. I dont know. He is always talking about knuckles and fingers. . .
  7. Ou - Es -Eh!!!
  8. You think people take him seriously? Its not that obvious to figure out, took me a whole 6 seconds to figurte it out.
  9. Favorite - Apples, Grapes. Least Favorite Fruit - All of you!
  10. You're too much. I can't handle this much laughter in one day.
  11. Yea, cause he changed his name. . .
  12. This thread may be more pointless than last post wins, but not as much as second to last post wins, yet i have posted in all 3. . .
  13. Like I've said before, players like Haynesworth are teh reason there is going to be a lockout in the NFL. Long contracts are the worst thing to happen to professional sports. They get their 3-4 year rookie deal, work their tail off oin year 3&4 put up nice stats get that 6-7 year deal become complacent, and collect their millions of dollars, only to again put out their best effort in year 7 to only again collect their last big check, and again become complacent. Stopping the guranteed money portion is one of the only things that will stop the "Haynesworth's" of the NFL.
  14. Is it time for bed yet?
  15. My guesses: Pancakes Xzylephone Hippo kettle corn. . .
  16. Why does DMB alwas appear. . . EVERYWHERE in this place!
  17. Its that Darn fruity beer that was in your car for a week. . . (P.S. Swallow mouth wash that way when you do release, it is minty fresh)
  18. You cant really fault Bush on this. I have to assume he knew it was wrong. BUT I place all teh blame on teh school/parents. The school new it was violating sanctions/rules, but continued to ignore them and keep on doing what they did. The Parents had to obviously see benifits in this, so they had to no what was going on. I can only imagine the pressure that was on Bush day in and day out to A) Perform at his highest level. B) Keep his parents happy while doing A. and C) keep everything under wraps, all while not blowing a lid off at one of the most attended schools in teh country.
  19. You're Welcome. Im just messing with ya. But you did create at thread that Spagnola replied in, so i guess i have to blames you. You are not the first, nor will you be the last (today) that is hasseld by the crowd for a post.
  20. Now look what you did Dwight!
  21. Yes! Is your cat too loud?
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