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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Trying to figure this out. Did you take into account that the corner pieces are touching the wall 2x's and would only count as one. The number just does not seem right to me. I did the same math. It seems a little high. I got 269 for my first guess then 384 not sure how i got that number. . .
  2. T-Pain you are right. Some reason Lil' Wayne was in my head.
  3. For you: We're in the air we're on the ground We're always in control. And when you say Mi-yam-e You're talkin super bowl. We're the. . . Miamid Dolphins, Miami Dolphins, Miami Dolphins Number 1
  4. You're so mean to me, But i have heard you are only mean to people you like, or you think are capable of winning this thread!
  5. Did you hear the little Wayne Remix. . . GOAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!! (I could not resist)
  7. Yes they are, they have never played a match together. That actually was offsides.
  8. Oh man, you got him good. . .
  9. Yea!!! You showed him!
  10. 2 and a half min. Il be listening not watching. . .
  11. I dont think that was my doing. . .
  12. Another 6 dollars First post page 324 you know what that means?
  13. On a side note, I WIN!!!!! Crap wrong thread.
  14. . . . and here you thought you ahd won this thing?
  15. Are you sure about that? I will hold my judgement untill he is named starter. Then i will slowly sway your way, untill then Edwards is the only one on this team that has proved he "could be" a decent QB in this league. If Edwards performs best in camp then so be it, let Gailey work his quote unquote magic, with his QB's.
  16. In a sidenote New York was designated the most dysfunctional state in the US. Good Job NYS Government. I think my dog could do better than this.
  17. I think the biggest thing in this story is that Smith broke the terms of his contract. In his contract it states during the offseason he is banned from participating in any other activity not relating to the Carolina Panthers. Will he get fined? Maybe not, but it would not be shocking if he did.
  18. I don't think the players would go for that. If i recall correctly, a majority of the players who go play a game overseas do not like it.
  19. Beerball is going to be mad at you...
  20. Ah, what the crap. I voted Easley because i figured i'd be the only one. But Nooooooooooo, someone else had to vote for him to. Way to go people!
  21. 0001010101010010101010 1100101010110101010101 0110010101010101000001 1011011011010000100010 0101101011000010101010 1100110001010110111010 0110110101110110110100 1101101101011110100001 0101010100111000001100 0101010101010101010101
  22. I just want to say, i have never read any of your post that made me stop and go, ugh really! Another solid post. P.S. I agree with it.
  23. Peggle is the greatest game ever made... EVER!! For those with a 360, Castle crtashers is a very fun game to play with others, (you have to battle your friends after every stage to see who gets the princess)
  24. Happy belated Birthday fella!!! (cause 1 beer is never enough)
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