That story gave me goosebumps, just the thought of it, what would be going through your mind as you see the edge of the falls. Especially when you are 7.
Would it not be funny if Lebron does sign in Miami, they sign all 3 to max contracts and Miami goes 3-4 years after that without winning a title. That would be fantastic.
I hope he choses chicago, they have the most ready win now roster.
I blame that on Ruff, any of the backups in the past have been worse. Conklin for exapmle went on to be very successful in Pitt. I put that on the coaching staff for not managin that better. .
I agree on you breakdown of each team. Except for oakland you should have put "well it's oakland. . ."
but now they just have to pick the right guy between Mallet / Luck / Locker. . .