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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Spoiler Alert (In white) Update the episode is on tonight where he passes at 9PM, just a reminder. Should be an emotional episode.
  2. Ahhhh fiddlesticks, you got me there.
  3. I could never imagine that happening. At least they went together. That has to be one of the toughest things to ever go through.
  4. My true feeling is 3, but I chose 4 because I had to. I dont have faith in any political figure head running this nation. They are to easily deceived and misled by their cabinets and other parties.
  5. Listening to WGR, they are reporting, according to the AP George Steinbrenner has passed away this morning, due to a massive Heart Attack. http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/news/story?id=5375561 A very sad week in Baseball, especially for the Yankees. First the voice of God passes, now the most famous owner in sports. Even though i have a very strong dislike for the Yankees, you never wish this on anyone. Whether you like him or not, agree of disagree with his tactics. his style and his consistently putting a good team on teh field made him one of the greatest owners in sports. May he RIP.
  6. Amazing video. I hate Cox. I really hate him.
  7. Soon you will all learn that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
  8. Hence why we need a winner. I nominate myself. All in favor?
  9. I think it really stems from him being a Yankee. I grew up and was taught the Yankees are the evilest of evils. I honsetly think that if he is not a Yankee, i have no issue with him.
  10. If we don't have a winner, then we don't have a loser. If we don't have a loser, I can't yell negative and obscene things at them.
  11. I don't care who starts, as long as they throw for 17 touchdowns a game, I will support them.
  12. Though I do hate the Yankess, and have a strond dislike for Jeter. That is something I will watch just to capture the moment, and the 15 min standing O he will rightfully receive. With all that said I have to go roll my self in mud to get this positive Yankee moment off of me.
  13. A gaggle of geese with a google of goslings! OH MY!
  14. Our own version of Sam Aiken. Suck it *Patsies
  15. to his grandfather and your quote sage.
  16. Thats it, I told you, TOTAL BUST!
  17. Sorry for your loss Stl. Even though you know its coming, it is still shock when it happens. At least he went peacefully, and is now in a better place. May he rest peacfully.
  18. you're welcome
  19. I didn't go, but I'm thinking of seeing if I can get a few thousand out of this guy. What do you think? Whats the worst that could happen?
  20. Why are you yelling?
  21. Obviously no, his name is Jeremy. Maybe his comment applies to you as well. . .
  22. Whos on first.?
  23. Funny thing is, next year, you will here the same lines about those QB's coing out.
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