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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Drugs are bad mmmkay . . .
  2. WTF? Yes i am ready and will be watching! Cant wait till Friday.
  3. Im sorry i had been drinking. . .
  4. Post here often: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=91598 You have a real good chance at winning. Just ask Steely-Rfye-man
  5. I have stated this before. I came to this site with the intentions to talk Bills football, and also to get insight from some of the "insiders" and professionals. Now i may not know any of you personally like you all seem to know each other (I'm like the long lost brother that nobody knew about).I enjoyed reading Lori's insights of pre game etc. . . Also Tim's blogs/threads. Well here is to continuing to talk fotball and da Bills with yins.
  6. Well if it ain't that fella John Wa-Wa-Wawrow
  7. To that first bolded statement, the only thing i could spew out is. REALLY??? Wow i bet that lady feels lit a real bada%* now, stopped a 7 year old girl from making 5 dollars so she could go spend it on candy. Good to see the community stand up for her though.
  8. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=116144 Half way down page 1. .
  9. I used to listen to WGR the morning show, it was great. Then some guy named John Wa, Wa, Wawrow, started coming on. Eck Actually the morning show is very good. I listen to it everyday while at work. I think they take to many calls still. I cant stand listening to fans babble on like they actaully control teh show. Make your ing point and hang up. The afternoon shown is not the worst thing i have ever heard(Florida sports talk is awful, so is Boston). I like when the Bulldog talks hockey, he is very passionite towards it, and expresses the same concerns arguments the fans would. I tend to turn them off when they do the drafts(food actor . . .) Dont listen to them as much as i used to.
  10. To be frank, I just dont give a damn. . .
  11. &*!% Hitler This is very true, how did we not realize this. Wearing white after labor day is a fashion no no. .
  12. The next Dog i own will be just that. I love them. They are so large that they dont give 2 %@!ts about anything. A couple we camp with has one, It just comes to our site lays down rolls over and plays dead and looks at you like hey my stomach needs some scratching, get on that. Nicest dog ever. . . Except for the drooling part. . .
  13. That excites me, i may have to buy it just for that. . . no joke!!! Up to TO... CAUGHT O MY... TOUCHDOWN!!!! HAHA. .. Greatest non important call ever
  14. Newfoundland Bear Dog Thing
  15. Used to be my favorite QB, Now i wouldn't care if he fell off of the face of the earth. . . Thats mostly due to the 24 hour coverage of Brett Favre by ESPN. AND my fault for watching it.
  16. They don't call the lower back tatoo a tramp stamp for nothing. . .
  17. I have '10. not sure if there were enough changes / upgrades / new features to purchse 11. You got any info on it? <<--- At work and can't really search much stupid filters!!
  18. It couldn't have been because of the 90 degree temp and almost 100% humidity. Plus from what I hear they are going to be running a full contact scrimmage. Maybe he is letting them rest for what will be tonight?
  19. Rectum Damn near killed em . . .
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