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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. HAHAHAHAHAH! what a jackass
  2. Im not saying Anderson, Im just saying a 200yd game in general. How many games since 300?(serious Q, I cant remember)
  3. There are blown calls every game. Competent teams overcome them.
  4. We win that game if our QB has an Anderson type of day. 200yds passing.
  5. I said it in another thread. The play calling was below average today. Im hoping Chan was just nervous and this game gets all the cob webs out.
  6. I think we are one of the only teams that on 3rd and long run designed swing and short crossing routes. Horrible play calling. Hopefully Chan was just nervous, and this shakes the cob webs out. Also how do you get a delay of game penalty in a 2 min drill?
  7. If we have any kind of offense that game, we win. No question in my mind. It's like a new car. It's last years model with a few different parts. The Defense played really well. Whitner played really well, was always around the ball. Poz injured again, He is become very unpopular with me, he is very unreliable, and injury prone.
  8. If your gona say it, at least get the days right. It's Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday night is 10 cent wing night, so that would be impossible.
  9. eminem? Fer serious though, that would be an amazing site to see, but scary as hell at the same time.
  10. http://davidsgrille.com/ In OP is nice Classic would be Chefs http://www.ilovechefs.com/
  11. Crap i F'd that up pretty bad. Stupid Haiku thread. Well better get crackin to win me some steely Reserve er Dan
  12. Bills VS Fish Week 1 Johhny, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels Three wise men Stampede!
  13. So does jack belong to me now?
  14. What does 1,800 get?
  15. Nasty fire here in Buffalo today. Warehouse full of wooden pallets and diesel fuel! Talk about a bad combination.
  16. Everytime i try to take a nap, my boss yells at me.
  17. Show me the baby! No More Dolphin safe tuna! Undefeated Still!
  18. I'm with the guy wearing a banana hammock!
  19. You again Dorkington. There is only room for one dork around her, and thats me!
  20. I had allstate was paying about 1400 a year. Switched to Geico saved about 300 a year. 3 months later I got in an accident. Had a 99 ford escort zx2, hit black ice totaled both cars.(somehow they worked it out with carruba collision to pay me the value of my car in a check then i could take that check and use it to fix the car, which i did and made about 150 bucks off the deal. 3 months later I bought myself an 02 ford ranger. My insurance went down to under 1000 a year. Geico has been nothing but good to me!
  21. Hopefully Nelson can fill that role!
  22. I have to fight in a columbian death match today. None to excited about it.
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