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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Then the players keep demanding more and more money. The owners have to keep raising prices, and eventually price themselves out.
  2. Indeed. Goodnight World have a pleasent evening.
  3. Has anyone seen my dead horse? I saw some guys kicking it earlier, not sure if you'd seen it.
  4. These pretzles are making me thirsty.
  5. Why would you. . . . . . say that? Fiddlesticks. I forgot about the auto merger thing a ma bob that is set up. Now my point is ruined. I have failed you, I am sorry.
  6. http://www.aolnews.com/science/article/astronauts-amazing-twitter-pics/19640834?icid=main%7Cmain%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%7C171748 My favorites are Italy at Night and Hurricane Igor.
  7. Maybe because Brohm just is not that good. . . Hence being 3rd string.
  8. I just want to get this straight. People want to trade some of our best assets for 3rd and 4th round picks. How does that make this team better? Trading Evans, Whitner and others will only set this team back even further. Teams get better by adding the right players during FA and drafting well. (1st round picks who are starters.)Not by getting rid some of its key assets. You have your core whcih we are starting to build (Wood, Evans, Whitner, Byrd, McKelvin) and you build around them. Id rather have a buyers mentality. Trade your 2nd rd pick this year or next year for a proven starter in the league instead of drafting a project who may not make it. Trade away picks for players. Id even consider drafting a QB with our first round pick. Trade our second this year and next to move back into the first round and draft a quality OT.
  9. That is classified information that cannot be discussed.
  10. The one thing that really pissed me off was being down by 27 points and we basically gave up and treated the game like we were up by 7 points and we were trying to run out the clock. Most teams would at least give it effort and try to atleast advace the ball by trhowing it, but nope, not us. We packed (no pun intended) it in and left with our tails between out legs. A losers mentality.
  11. I will hold the very good player untill i see him play against players who are still in the NFL. Bell only played against 2nd and 3rd stringers.
  12. I'm at work, and just not feeling it today.
  13. I SHOULDA HAD A V8!!!
  14. Hey that JV team is now 3-0 with a 28-0 win over cross town rivals Hamburg!
  15. http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/high-school-quarterback-dies-after-collapsing-during-game/19639051?icid=main%7Cmain%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%7C171377 I'm not sure how young kids would be able to continue on after something like this. Both schools after the game gathered at mid field.
  16. Pass on all of them.
  17. I hear that guy is a self-centered SOB though. Id watch out for him.
  18. Im going to give you guys a hint; When you are cooking a pizza on a pizza stone and the metal holder slips dont grab it whith your bare hand. It hurts like a %&*#@
  19. Twenty-Three !!! Woot Woot! Damn I lost this contest. . .
  20. I used to work for CSC a couple of years ago. We would honestly turn away 10-15 or so people at whichever gate i was working. That is just one gate. Multiply that by 9 gates, and those were just the over the line drunks. We let in the so-so and we would have to point them out to the sheriffs standing behind us. People would be dumbe enough to try to sneak entire cases of beer in. We would tell them to drop it, adn if they got pissy, we would tell them to take it back to their car, and if they were to leave it theywould have to answer to the police. This stuff happens more than you think, you just dont hear or see about it all of the time. I cant even tell you how many people I had to help kick out of the stadium, and I only worker there for 1 year. I understand people like to drink, but do it responsibly.
  21. Maybe for you the passion is fueld by alcohol. Not for me and many others. I love to tailgate, set up at 8am turn the grill on a crack a beer. I will maybe have 3-4 beers while out in the lots. Then i will happily go in and enjoy the game, NOT DRUNK. and i can guarantee you that i am just as passionate as any drunk idiot, but with a lot more class and respect. Give up your club seats, you think the Bills honestly give a damn if you give them up? They will be filled by someone else.
  22. Why should kids under 14 not be going to games with their fathers? That seems like one of the best father son moments you can have. I know when my dad brought me to my first Bills game, its a day i wont forget. Now your telling me kids under 14 should not go to games because people cant control themselves and have to act like a bunch of animals. If you want to act like an animal thats fine, but do it at your own home where the rest of us dont have to put up with you. That drunk guy heckling everyone may think he is being funny, you are not.
  23. Is Beerball still running fro President? I came across a large sum of cash, and was going to donate to the Beerball for president campaign, but i couldn't find anything.
  24. Hey, those are my old stomping grounds. Good for her.
  25. I think in the very near future you will see tailgiting times mandated by The NFL. I honestly think they will push to have a 3 hour time limit between hours between when the lots open and game time. Many people dont like going to games because of the Drunks and the idiots. They also have to battle with the vastly improved TV coverage of teh games. The NFL is pusing very hard to get the stadiums to be more family friendly, and I applaud them for doing so. I enjoy tailgaiting as much as the next person does, but I dont understand why you have to get blackout drunk as to where you cant walk, cant find your way to the stadium, or get rejected at the gate.
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