I was listening to the Thurman Thomas show today on GR and he came up with the point that maybe it is time again that he Jim, Tasker, Bruce and Talley go out during the offseason and try to convinve FA players to come play in Buaffalo.
I am all for this idea but one thing disturbed me. It sounded as if maybe they have tried to talk to Ralph before about this, but Ralph would have no part of it.Thurman stated Ralph never was keen on the idea to hire former players. I'm not sure if any one else heard this (i was not listening to closely, my boss made me work today ) If anyone else heard it did you get that sense too?
If that is the case I would not understand not trying to use some very good assets to help make this team/town more appealing to players?
On a random side not, I think we( or at least I do) need Ralph to step to the podium and answer some questions and take some of the Blame as the owner. Not so well how that would go over since the man is 93 years old.
So what say you fellow Bills fans, Should we be using Jim, Thurman, Tasker, Bruce, Talley and others as basically recruiters for this team?