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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. your dum
  2. Robinson 16TD 10Int only over 65% completion Pctg 3 times. (All against average to bad teams "lesser talented") Newton 28TD 6Int over 65% completion Pctg 7 times. Robinson completes most of his passes to wide open receivers because he rolls out and the D commits to the run. Yea it works in Michigan, it wont work in the NFL. Plus everytime I watch him he always seems to be hurt. He's to small to do what he does.
  3. Except Robinson is not even a decent QB. He is a glorified WR/RB
  4. Switch back to a 3-4 and go Edwards-Williams-Haynesworth-Kelsey for the front 4 {hides}
  5. Katy Perry on the Simpsons!
  6. Desean Jackson, Reggie Wayne, Dez Bryant, (I could go on) all did not dive for slightly overthrown balls, that would have been touchdowns. they must all be "pansies"
  7. I used the snowblower 3x in 12 hours! Oh, and it is still snowing/raining (icing) when i left for work this morning!
  8. ADD: IT'S STILL SNOWING!!! 1 and 1/2 feet later
  9. Its still $&%#^& snowing!!
  10. Everybody was kung-fu fighting. Hiya!
  11. Lets trade him then they can double cover Stevie and then we can watch his numbers plummit and then run him out of town in a year or so as well. I ask you this. How many times does a receiver go over double digit catches in the entire NFL in a given year? I wuld bet it is barely 20 times a year if that.
  12. Looks like this is happening, that came really out of nowhere. http://www.thehockeynews.com/articles/36733-Terry-Pegula-signs-leter-of-intent-to-buy-Buffalo-Sabres-for-150-million.html
  13. Whoa, hold on their feller. I ain't sayin bad things about you. I was implying a notion that even the toughest of tough SOB's has a squishy side. . . er something along those lines
  14. Jimmy has a soft side?!?
  15. THANK YOU! That is basically the clif notes of my rant!
  16. Kicker are like any other player and all go through down times in their carrer A) It was his first miss in like 30 attempts insinde of 40 yds. Pretty solid if you ask me B) Outside of 45 yds is 50/50 with any kicker not just Lindell. He made 1 missed the second, due to that dumb timeout rule the NFL has. C) The PAT you are referring to was blocked and not his fault whatsoever. He is not a problem. I would have no issue calling on him in a clutch situation at all.
  17. Why is it when wehave a good thing here in Buffalo the first thing people want to do is break that up. Of course I am talking about Lee Evans and Steve Johnson. They work very well together, and this just in, (whisper) They are both playing very well. SO why must we always want to break that up. Can we not just enjoy what we have here with a legit receiving group? I dont understand it at all. This group is very talented and have been producing. Who cares who is number 1 or number 2. What I care about is that they are producing and feeding off of each other and doing it very well. Can we please put a rest to the Trade Evans talk and just let him play and produce when called upon. (/rant) -------- I will also take this as a side to apologize to The Big Cat. You and I went back and forth about Fitz, and it appears you may be right. I know when i am wrong and it appears that I am. Fitz has won me over with that comeback against Cinci, and I am all for him being the Bills QB.
  18. With all the players we have fit for the 4-3 and success we have been having since moving back to the 4-3 D, IMO we should stick with it. I think the main reason the D was beyond atrocious in the first half of the season was due to players not being played at their natural positions. If we do stick with it we need a LB,DT(opposite of Williams, your best D player who I think we should scheme the D around) and possibly a DE via the Draft and FA. Our defense would be tremendously better suited, and overall. Not to mention Chris Kelsay since going back to DE has been on fire getting pressure seveal time a game. So what say you. Stick with the 4-3 or continue the transition?
  19. If Lee is too vanilla, then what is Chris Kelsay?
  20. Needs some Vanilla to compliment him. . .
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES1RypBww_g&feature=BF&list=PLB8E0C2F75D587BF4&index=2 Is this what your issue was?
  22. Ive never felt more loved in my life. .
  23. I just want to let you all know, you are doing very well, so keep up the good work.
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