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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Bullett for My Valentine - If you can get past the screaming in some of the songs, they are actually a very talented group. Their guitarists are quite good as well.
  2. I've noticed you have been "quoting" or talking to yourself a bit lately. You may want to check with a shrink abuot that. Healthy lunch today. Chicken Finger sub with mayo and oil and onion rings. Man do I feel like a million bucks right now.
  3. Leonidas! that really pisses me off.
  4. You want a ghost town. Go to Newark NJ. I was there for a Sabres Devils game a few months back and there was literally nothing to do. We walked around for an hour trying to find a place to eat around the arena, wound up eating at a subway. It was pretty bad. There were street vendors selling "Officially liscensed product" Jerseys, purses, shoes. . . but that was really it.
  5. Over where?
  6. 'Cause everyone know the busiest day of teh year to party is the day after Christmas, (which happened to be a sunday which made it 2x as bad. He'll be here for New Years. That should change his mind.
  7. Probably the hardest i have laughed in awhile. Well played sir!
  8. Just ate lunch,now going back to my desk to nap the rest of the day. No bosses today!! Actually there are ony (i think) 5 of us in my area.
  9. IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I had these symptoms about 4 months or so ago in my left arm. I went to the doctor and it was "tennis elbow" or atleast thats what he said after about 5 min of talking to him. Told me to getsome fancy powerful smelling cream, and told me to take it easy. Mine was from repetitive over exting of my elbow when at the gym. Needless to say when i started working out again, the pain came back. Have not been back to the doctor.
  11. Alexisonfire...= Alex-is-on-Fire. nuff said.
  12. Welcome back to Celebrity Jeopardy. Your categories are; AN ALBUM COVER THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THERAPIST
  13. Anything by TSO. Occasionally the 12 pains of christmas. I can only listen to that song once or twice.
  14. I said. . . (Clears throat) SNEAK ATTACK!!! Now see what ya did, my blood pressure is through the roof.
  15. It was called a directional kick to the sidelines. Coughlin went right over to Dodge and ripped him a new one for about 5 min. Punters job is to punt the ball wher he is told. If he says to punt it out of bounds i dont care if it is a 20 yd ount, you kick it out of bounds. Plus it was line drive kick theat gave Desean Jackson time to fumble the ball pick it back up and still score.
  16. Miami Does not deserve a team. They cant even sell out a game where the team is either ploff or bust. How lame is that. Florida does not deserve any pro sports. Move out teh Jags, Dolphins, Lightning and Panthers. Makes me overly angry to see no one in the stands, EVER! Yet we are always on the tops of every which team will move first list!!!
  17. sneak attack. . .
  18. I just want to know what the lady next to him did to warrent a computer monitor to the face.
  19. This guy is totally an Al
  20. JUST DONT DO THIS!!! OR if you do please have it recorded.
  21. <Insert subject line here>
  22. Beerballs Link that says "Leonidas" Short story is kid attacks another player ref throws him out, then the kid attacks the official. My favorite reaction is the kid that puts his hands on his head like WTF man. Then runs off.
  23. ching-a-dy ching he-haw he-haw. Its dominick the Donkey. . . That is all. . .
  24. Astro - Question about Houston taking WR AJ Green. Do you think they would lean towards the D side of the ball more with it being as bad as it is?
  25. Aliens?
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