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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Sure people can throw it accusations but there are extreme consequences for that like falsifying police documents defamation and slander lawsuits and if that was the case Araiza would’ve already had those in place.
  2. Most of us had sex in college i presume. I guarantee you none of us were in a position where we could be accused of sexual assault and gang rape so……..
  3. No matter the outcome of this the bills are in a lose lose lose scenario. That is why if I am them I take my lumps now cut him and get the media circus over
  4. That press conference was extremely concerning to me not only about the Araiza situation but that there could be a very big disconnect in the organization
  5. Polygraphs are not accurate and not admissible in court because of their inaccuracies
  6. Look @Gene1973 I appreciate your interactions. {Frowny face} {Rolls eyes} {Dislike}
  7. Conduct detrimental to the team. Next.
  8. a team can cut a player for any reason.
  9. NFL is employment at will, you can be cut for any reason.
  10. Remember Arazias lawyer has cleverly insinuated that Arazia was not a part of the rape/misconduct. He has also hinted at someone else being in trouble for said incident.
  11. the ol' its partially her fault she got raped. Good job
  12. and if that ever happens to me where there is no basis for the claim, I sue for defamation and slander.
  13. Counter point, what if this Lawyer is tactfully or untactfully putting all of this information out there so its widely available to make sure that the defending attorney can not claim any of this evidence as privileged. its unconventional and wild but could really be tactful.
  14. Apparently Arazias Ex Team mates
  15. Tim Graham tweeted that Arazias lawyer maybe be lying. His lawyers says the NFL knew, Tim Graham is saying they didn't.
  16. The fact that he was having unprotected sex with multiple women makes him an idiot, that I know.
  17. A) Do you not remember high school? B) You "Assuming" is not a viable defense and will not hold up in court.
  18. I don't think any new information has come about, other than its now in the public eye. Also people are now contradicting that NFL teams new about this prior to the draft. This is getting very confusing.
  19. This contradicts some of what was said earlier
  20. That's not the theme ive gotten. Yes some have jumped to conclusion ON BOTH SIDES. Most have been level headed saying If true he needs to be punished and that goes beyond football. What I cant put up with is people in here victim shaming and blaming here for being at that party.
  21. Technically yes, but he'd wind up the person in trouble so it'd be a very stupid thing to do.
  22. I mean you can but if there is no basis that's falsifying legal documents. I mean I hope you sue me tomorrow for a bogus claim so I can come back at you with defamation, slander etc
  23. Regardless. Someone did and there are people blaming her both here and on other social media accounts saying this is partially her fault because she was at that party and “lied about her age”.
  24. So it’s partially her fault she got too drunk at a party and was gang raped? and people wonder why rape victims don’t come forward.
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