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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. It was something along the lines of this; but since you were impatient and had to ruin the big surprise, the announcent has been postponed indefinitely
  2. Well besides that. Do you know how long that actually took!!!!
  3. I have something very important to tell everyone. . .
  4. 2 tablespoons of unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar a day.My sister told me about this WARNING it takes like nothing you have ever had before. It will most likely make you gag. But i haev not been sick since ive started taking it. mix a TBLSP with 1/3 cup of water and take it down like a shot.
  5. OK lets talk about the COntract of the rookies... Lets talk about the Free Agents coming in for a visit Lets talk about, well there is nothing football to talk about, because there is NOTHING going on right now. The Sabres have an owner who QUOTE " Wants to win Multiple Stanley Cups" Whats not to be excited about. Ill be excited over the Bills when this lockout garbage is over and i dont have to listen to players and owners *&^ about who is Taking er I mean getting (Still sounds dirty) the shaft this time around.
  6. Bella Pizza in Lackawana on South Park!!!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  9. Hello good sir. Will you be sporting you banana hamock again this year?
  10. HI! Did you miss me?
  11. Drank beer and sat on the beach.
  12. I just got back from my trip and i must say, This is one of teh most beautiful places i have ever been to in my life. I strongly reccomend if you are planning a vacation out of teh US, you consider Maceio (Mah-Sy-a). It is the exact opposite of Rio. Stay at one of the hotels on the Beach and relax all vacation. Get a umbrealla and chairs on the beach and they will bring you all the beers you can drink. Again I strongly reccomend if you go on a vacation out of the country you consider here.
  13. I'm back, and just so you all know I had an amazing time on my trip! You're welcome!
  14. So we had a conversation last nigh with some girls about if green dyed beer would turn your poop green. I sadly found out this morning. . . It does not.
  15. The only way I can do Cherry Wheat, is if it comes from a tap. There is something about tap beer. Is it 1000X better than bottled beer, IMO.
  16. Anything else you need, just let me know.
  17. Thread epic, This is not.
  18. I went to Rain when they came to Sheas last year and the show was very, very good. Its not your traditional musical with singing and dancing. Its them actually playing Beatles music. I wont spoil the show for you, but it is amazing, IMO!!!!
  19. I want!!! I cannot wait till I get my diesel. Probably in 2 years when i finish off the payments for my truck now!!! Right now 2002 Ford Ranger XLT I also plan on buying a Jeep Wrangler. Those straight 6's last forever
  20. If you poop on the rug im allowed to beat you with a newspaper. . .
  21. We did and then he 'ed up the onsides kick. . .
  22. Noted. Next time i need advice im coming directly to you. I think I will just throw a sleep aid back and somewhat tire myself out the day before so I can rest on the plane. The flight from JFK to Rio is about 13 hours so I should have plenty of time to recover. I thought that was only if you are swimming upstream?
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