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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Much thanks, You're not as bad as they say. . .
  2. The plans for the Vikings new stadium were supposed to break ground in the coming weeks. The plans have been put on hold while the Wilfs are investigated. http://nfl.si.com/2013/08/15/minnesota-vikings-stadium-on-hold-zygi-wilf/ If posted I apologize, I did a quick look through and did not see any posts on this.
  3. "The Bills traded up to get him" ~ Any ESPN analyst.
  4. I am. With that pitching staff, how do you not win more titles? One of the best 1-5 rotation there was.
  5. Im going to Vegas the first week of the NFL season. I cant wait. Football games and 10AM and 1PM and the rest of the day to drin...relax... Going to put $40 on the Bills to win the division. Going to put $40 on the Braves to win the world Series.
  6. Jeep Wrangler people, man do they push my buttons. Everythig is "...in My Jeep" "My jeep..." Never "my vehicle." Bunch of jerk faces they are. P.S. I am a Jeep driving Jerk Face
  7. Reading this board makes me violent. I cant stand the stupidity of some people.
  8. This is why the Buffalo Bills cant have nice things. We finally get a QB in Manuel who looks to be everything we have asked for, for years. And we already want to replace him with an UDFA.
  9. Someone tell that man to slow his ass down!!!
  10. If I hear one more ESPN anchor say the Bills traded UP to get EJ I am going to punch a puppy. At least make an effort ESPN.
  11. I agree with this, and an angle i didn't really think of. Also Aaron Williams at Safety, i liked. I think it is a good transition for him. He can come down in coverage as well. Layed a nice hit to break up a play.
  12. Goodwin. It looked like he was jogging and still flying by people on the KO return. It was unreal. I think he can be something sepcial.
  13. He will have 1-3 carries, if he plays at all. He is their team.
  14. Its getting to the point of downright insane. You would think that this guy is sleeping with people wives.
  15. He should have 2 a game!?!?!?! What a waste /sarcasm
  16. While you have a valid point, if someone answers the question, you do not keep asking the same question 5 different times, trying to get a different answer. I hope so! I hope he throws a podium at some point this year.
  17. Why does Marrone have to get thicker skin? I would love it if after a tough loss he started firing off at the reporters. We hated Dick Jauron and Chan Gaileys monotone PC's yet Marrone raises his voice and needs thick skin? Which way do the fans want it. Don't most Buffalo fans want the local media shredded anyways?
  18. Used after Tony Romo fieldgoal dabacle against Seattle. Plus I hate the Cowboys.
  19. Did anyone think maybe Anderson and the Bills staff had a conversation about scheme and fit, and They came to an agreement that it is better for all parties that he be let go?
  20. Im not casting anything on anyone, I just find it funny that the same people who post about "sex" here get offended about an innunendo on a shirt by a ball player.
  21. This site makes me laugh. We have countless threads on girls you find attractive. Avatars with Girls with little clothing. Would YA threads (Thanks GBID) Anytime someone mentions a girl on this thread people respond with "Pic?" Fans wear F*** (Insert team) shirts to games. Stevie wears a shirt that plays on words. Oh the horror. Now he is not a good football player and needs to be cut. Lets not mention he is the only Bills player to have 3+ consecutive 1,000 yard seasons, and was one of the few bright spots on this TERRIBLE team the last few years. And did it With QB's who are carrer journeymen. If a shirt offends you, perhaps the seriousness level on your life-o-meter needs to be turned down. If he produces on the field, I could give a damn what shirt he sports in a photo.
  22. That must be why this team has been terrible for the last 13 or so years. The Guard play just has not been great. I think the OP has figured it out. Someone call Buddy stat, ask the league if we can get a redo.
  23. Saying he is going to be a bust, and saying this pick is terrible is basically rooting for him to fail, which in turn makes the Bills fail. I just dont get it.
  24. Why is he a reach, because Mccshay and Kiper said so?
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