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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. SO do it next year when you actually have to worry about that. let him play and help the team this year. a 4th rd pick NEXT YEAR does not help this team get to teh playoffs this year.
  2. How many of those guys have had 3 1,000 yard seasons?
  3. Love it, It is bold, something the BIlls have not been for awhile. I would love it this scenario played out ater the day is over. Rd 1 - Watkins Rd 2 - Kunadijo (sp?) Rd 3 - Taj Boyd/ Aaron Murray/Zac Mettenberger
  4. This needs to stop. The Bills arent a cold weather type team. They don't practice outdoors. There is no great advantage to it. The Bills IIRC said they didnt like December home games, hence the reason they dont have many.
  5. Classic Stingy traditionalist post. In case you haven't noticed the change, jerseys are huge for college kids, and the new age NFL. Jersey selection is used as a recruiting tool now.
  6. Im going to punch a small child cause of you. How do you feel right now knwoing some little kid is going to be walking down the street and POW right in the face! (well played)
  7. Pat Moran just SAid Packers/Bills "MNF" game would be Thanksgiving night... WTF?
  8. I bet its not. The Bills mentioned labefore about the "interest" in Monday night games. They know what happens. It just gives the fans more time to get stupid. If it is later in the season, and this season falls flat it will be another S*** show. It is going to be a s*** show regardless.
  9. I could be wrong but doesn't Tampa have to pay any/if not all of the Bonus money causing the cap hit to be lower?
  10. They should have traded him. Stupiod BIlls you dont let players like Byrd walk for noth... Sorry lost my train of throught. But really though. Million dollar Talent, 1 cent mind. He already filed for Bankruptcy IIRC.
  11. Million dollar talent. 1 cent brain. Didnt he already file for Bankruptcy too?
  12. Come to the Dark side. The Braves are calling.
  13. So we are going to be neighbors, kind of. I have a friend that lives over in Alpharetta. Not sure if you looked around in that area at all. I sent him a message to get that lay of the land in that area.
  14. R.I.P Mr Wilson and thank you. This is going to be one of those days where you remember where you were when you heard the news.
  15. That is because most NFL games are generally bad, IMO
  16. So what, 6-8 Boneless wings for $12-18?
  17. For me it is the opposite. I do not know what is or is not a catch anymore, what is possession. What is a penalty, what is not. Huge play, but we have to review it to see if he maintained possesion while making a football move and held the ball all the way to the ground. The rules are so complex, that the refs dont even know what they are anymore.
  18. If Ej were in this draft we would all say, lets wait until next year, the QB crop is better. And then Next year we would get (IF QB drafted this year was in next years draft) we would all say, wait until the year after the QB crop is better.
  19. What a 20 year old kid has trouble controlling his emotions?!? THIS IS UNHEARD OF. Not only should he not be drafted, He should be banned from life for life!
  20. Since we are throwing out random players that Evans could be (HArdy). Why cant the o-lineman be like Robet Gallery? Starting O-lineman can be had in this draft up until the third rd is what i have read/heard from teh experts. Why not draft playmakers in rd1-2 and get the RT in rd 3? The Bills have a desperate need for a massive target on the outside. Evans is that target.
  21. The Bills need a WR like Evans.....
  22. NO, They are nothing a like at all. Not even close. I mean you cant get more farther apart then Hardy and Evans.
  23. Buffalo does not have a player on this roster that is a go up and get it player. Evans is what this team needs and badly. EJ is in trouble, throw a jump ball up to who, Grahm, Goodwin, Johnson, Woods? Who is going to win that battle. I will take the 6'5 guy who can out jump everyone and can run with the best of them.
  24. Mike Evans is the biggest need for this team. A massive WR, who can jump (Best Verticle in the combine) is very fast, and does not drop a lot of balls. Evans can win jump balls when EJ gets into scramble mode. Seems like a no brainer to me. OL can be found in the later rounds.
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