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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Just don't go to RamRod on Boylston St...... Unless you are into that kind of thing. Not that there is anything wrong with that.....
  2. Quincey Market. A lot of street performers and shops. http://www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com/ Or if you or your wife are into Ghosts, witches and haunted places Salem, MA is the place to go.
  3. Just imagine, home game, Bills score a late TD to clinch the playoffs. You don't think the shout song is being played around the country as loud and proud as ever?
  4. Sure, if he was the only one saying anything. but this has been said by multiple players how much different (better) the coaches are this year, and being taught the right way. Hell did you miss the article that Marrone practically killed EJ. Also - Since when is honesty a bad thing now?
  5. But he feel bad this time. Classic case of feeling bad that you were caught, and not feeling bad about the action. The dude is F**(%. I say good. Put his ass in a foreign jail.
  6. Will do, may be up there in October for work. Side note, it does not feel like football season yet to me. Its still so F^&%( hot down here.
  7. Correct, The two Bills Backers bars here in the ATL (because the group got to big for one bar) plays it after every touchdown. They have guys with flags stationed to wave the flags around when it is played. The song is blaring, the sound from the game is turned up. Great atmosphere to watch the game.
  8. Only in Bills country would people be worried if Garappolo is better than Brady.... No matter who takes over for the Pats, it is a downgrade.
  9. Same here in Atlanta. But apparently im not allowed to here it if i'm not in the stadium.... I do agree though the random shouting of ey ey ey ey is really effing annoying between a bunch of drunk dudes. Also, doing it at a Sabres game should get you banned from the arena for life.
  10. This isn't the first time he has been in trouble either for hunting... I believe he is banned in his hometown from hunting, IIRC.
  11. #OneBuffalo #WhatTeamChangesColorsFirst #IHateHashtags
  12. The Atlanta Falcons are a big meh to me. ill watch the games because they are on. But I have no rooting interest. Not to mention Atlanta fans are front runners. Braves are bad this year, people don't go. Falcons are bad, people dont go. Also I hate Arthur Blank. You will not be allowed to buy single game tickets to the new stadium. You have to purchase a PSL to buy season tickets. (We'll see how long that lasts.) Now the GA Bulldogs, there is always buzz around here for them, I have fallen into that.
  13. IS there an era of wrestling better than the late 90's earrl 00's From off the top of my head Top WWF*** Wrestlers from that era Rock Stone Cold Shawn Michaels Brett Hart Owen Hart Bam Bam Bigelow Diesel (kevin Nash) Razor (Scott Hall) Jake the Snake British Bulldog Lex Luger Kane Sid Vicious Chris Jericho Yokozuna Undertaker Mr. Perfect Ted Dibiasie Pieper Road Warriors Cactus Jack/Mankind/Dude Love Vader I feel like I am forgetting a whole bunch. Edit - forgot a bunch. Great list: http://www.mandatory.com/2013/02/06/100-greatest-wrestlers-of-the-90s/
  14. Doink and Dink the clown Big Daddy cool Diesel Razor Ramon Brett Hart Man wrestling used to be so good!
  15. My parents should have been charge several times. I was "kicked out" of the house several times by my parents saying "Go outside and play" Hell i was actually grounded from being inside at times. We would roam the neighborhood, just like you did. not causing any trouble, but just being kids.
  16. Lee Evans Is/is not a #1 WR Stevie Johnson is/is not a #1 WR
  17. Same way I feel. but If I wanted to be a D*** and I were Pegula, I would offer Bon Jovi tickets in the owners box for a home game or 2.
  18. Lets see. Gets rid of Starting RB, QB, both starting WR's, Starting guard. Players are constantly complaining about him when they exit. But hey we should trust him right?
  19. Agreed. Still has dude parts. Still a dude. If Bruce was not on the that reality TV show with the Kardashinas would people care about this?
  20. Actually there are many transgender people calling it disgusting, for reasons that this is all a publicity stunt by Jenner and does nothing to help. Which I completely agree with. This is something to make him a lot of money. I find it dsgusting that my FB news feed was filled with Way to go Bruce, and you are an inspiration posts. He is neither. Nor should he be viewed as one. He is not releasing any other information on the topic. The only way to get any more inside info (which i dont see what you need to know) is to watch his reality TV show (Shocking!!!!) http://wtkr.com/2015/05/13/hes-no-hero-says-transgender-former-navy-seal-of-bruce-jenner/ Except a lot of the community feels this way “There are kids, transgender, LGBT kids who are killing themselves every day because they have no hero to look up to,” said Beck. “They see no future. They feel isolated, and this could have been a really good example of what you can do and could have saved some lives. But instead, you’re going to make a few bucks. Disappointing.”
  21. Was a reality TV star. And proved that with money you can do anything. But hey, he is a hero.... or so I was told. No. but why is He being called a hero? That is the problem i have. What did he do to deserve such a title?
  22. Again, I don't like Manziel, but even the police said, this is a non story. Manziel was stalked by a fan, back to his hotel. This is so much different then everyone saying "What is he gona do if heckled during a game?"
  23. So I dislike Manziel also, but he was basically stalked and harassed by someone. I don't really blame him This is such a non story, but this is the issue with Manziel. Any little story is going to be full blown over coverage lead story on ESPN. He was in a lose, lose in this one. So if a guy is stalking and harassing you, what are you going to do? Just let him do it.
  24. {Insert stupid looking animal here}
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