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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. But fans, you can say whatever the hell you want and not have to worry about it.......
  2. IS this not true? The idiots on twitter have strong jealousy towards athletes. Hell, I do, they live a great life.
  3. Minus the fact that it is grown ass adults acting like idiots because their fantasy teams are terrible. So I guess you can compare them to 3 year olds...
  4. Or he did what most of us would do if our family and livelihood were maliciously being attacked by strangers and defend ourselves. Did he handle it the best way, probably not, but I still cant blame him. Who is more childish, the people attacking Watkins because "My fantasy team bro" or Watkins for telling them to piss off?
  5. No, maybe, i dont know? I see it as this. "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stone" Bills fans threw the first stone(s). Sammy was just throwing them back. Don't be offended that he did.
  6. {Face Palm}
  7. This this this, a million times this.
  8. Yeap, Its pure jealousy.
  9. Exhibit A everyone, exhibit A. Why is Sammy "A clown"
  10. He called the idiot fans attacking him on social media about a pic of him and his daughter losers and told them to go back to their loser jobs. And rightfully so.
  11. Because people who are afraid of losing money told him to......
  12. Because then they would have nothing to B***** about.
  13. Maybe the ones that are getting upset with what Sammy said, and are saying he needs thicker skin, also need thicker skin...
  14. Except, he was attacked for being injured, which lead to his get off my back statement...
  15. Tony Romo get on the field its only a broken collarbone, you are such a P***** Jamall Charles I am calling you out, Tape your knee up and get out there. Who cares if either of you wont be able to function after football if you do, I need my entertainment!!! Dance monkey dance!!!
  16. So because he is an NFL player, he should just not do what he wants to? Seems a little odd to me.
  17. And the people that are attacking him are what? So again are we just ok with those attacking him?
  18. Yes. I'd have to go through thousands of twitter mentions that i cannot do at work because of firewalls. Sammy is a person who happens to play football as a profession. If we are not going to care about the amount of crap he/or any NFL players gets hit with daily from "fans", why should we care how or what they respond with?
  19. So are the fans who tell players to die and kill themselves in the right? And we should just accept that as what it is? Again, sports fans are the worst kind of people. You'd be suprised what kind of garbage is spewed on twitter. its not just Sammy, its athletes in general. People everyday tell these other humans to kill themselves, and how they are going to "get their family" Imagine you have thousands of people everyday just coming at you telling you how much you suck at your job, relentlessly.
  20. So its ok for fans to say completely terrible things to him? but its not ok for Sammy to come right back at them. No, it more speaks to sports fans being the worst kind of people, IMO.
  21. Were you one of those losers tweeting at him, and now you're feelings are hurt because he called you out?
  22. Not according to Bills fans, because you can sometimes, maybe win with an average QB who plays good for a season.
  23. PAts O-line. LT - 5th rd pick LG - 4th rd pick C - UDFA RG - UDFA RT - 2nd rd pick
  24. this is all that needs to be said.
  25. Or get a guy that can be a starter after a year of sitting and learning and we never have to worry about, is our defense gona show up today, cause if they don't we are screwed. There are 6 other rounds to get immediate starters in as well, plus udfa.
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