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Posts posted by AxelRipper

  1. Wait! That's it! We have the clouds seeded over Orchard Park so that the game is played in a whiteout. Brady can't throw which makes he and Fitz equals, Welker and Moss can't catch and run which makes them equal to Evans and the rest (T.O. will be sniffling on the sidelines in a vicuna coat), and Belicheat will have to put his hood up which means he will only be able to see straight ahead. We'll have them right where we want them. :thumbsup:



    OR, See: Pats v. Oilers a few weeks ago

  2. Taking players with character issues seems to be our preferred course of action the past couple of years:


    Marshawn Lynch (Hit and Run, Reefer and Gun)

    James Hardy (Gun)

    Ko Simpson (He's worth millions)

    Donte Whitner (Tasered by police)

    Corey MacIntyre (Wrongly accused, but still)


    And now we sign the dirtiest player in the NFL?




    hey... we can finally call ourselves blue collar football again, as opposed to those drama queens that started in the 90's

  3. Are you actually buying this? One of the few things most of us seem to agree on is that Russ Brandon doesn't know the fine points about football and is unqualified to be a GM. As I've stated before, if the plan was to hire a real GM and give him the power to do his job well, Ralph Wilson would be doing the interviewing. It's obvious that if Brandon is doing the interviewing, then this is another snow job. He is not qualified to determine who would be a good GM, and he is being asked to hire someone as his own replacement. If someone is hired, they will be a glorified scout, given no real power (other than to make suggestions) and the world of the Bills remains virtually the same.



    the article lists brandon as the COO... maybe, just maybe, he knows that he isn't a real GM, and ralph told him to find a real GM that can win.

  4. Vick is not a quarterback. Did anyone watch him play before he went to prison? What is it about prison that makes you think he got better? If you think otherwise, you're simply acting out and likely need professional help which after the past ten years or so of rooting for the Bills doesn't seem that unlikely. Get off the vick jock. He's not a quarterback and won't be a starter in this league again. Feel free to bookmark the post and come back to it in a year to prove to me how right I was.



    Well for one he's not screwing around with his dogfighting homies, and that would seem to make him more focused on football. Also he has a mentor (dungy) that he probably desperately needed. I can see him now out of prison, realizing that he isn't superman any more, and wanting to regain his credibility. He fell from his status as a high level player to, well, scum. Now, if our penal system did what its supposed to do (I know... big IF there) then he has realized what he needs to do to get back to the top, and he'll bite on the best chance he has to get back to the top. And I hope thats with the Bills

  5. HERES another thought.


    IF dungy and vick come here, do you think maybe that dungy, who as has been mentioned is putting his reputation on the line to say that vick has changed and he is sure of it, would be a person to also keep people like lynch who have also had some troubles in the past in line?


    just an idea

  6. Well said! Ignorant!! Damn right!! Commoners and their forgiveness....makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.


    I would bring Vick in... Ignorant means having know knowledge or awareness of... I have knowledge and awareness of what Vick has been through. I also believe people can redeem themselves. To err is human. The guy made a serious mistake, poor judgment, and no doubt a product of his environment. What's your excuse?


    Unfortunately, if I had to pick an example, today, to show my son what human beings are all about. I will take the man who has erred, acknowledged his wrong-doing, owned his mistakes, paid the consequences and persevered. I will take that over the guy that judges, makes comments based as much in misunderstanding (true ignorance,) hatred, and rage any day of the week. There isn't a religion, or sane person in the world that doesn't believe in compassion and forgiveness, but there have been plenty of lunatics that believed pure hatred and grudges, and generally their stories don't end well.


    I would like to see who the coward was if Vick were in front of you... would you still call him POS, and throw him over the falls. Because he would still be who he is in front of you. He is a man who's poor judgment was put on trial in front of the world, who's humiliation was a public event. He has been to hell and came back, yours is only known in your head and your heart, and I hope, for your sake, that you can get over it.


    I wouldn't trade Lynch for Vick. Putting our eggs in the Freddy Jackson basket are a bad idea, in my opinion. I would be more inclined to trade future picks. I think that we would need the depth at running back to help with Vick's shortcomings at the QB position. He would be a much better than just a stop gap like a Pennington, while we groomed a young QB to come into this league...the right way.


    This will be one interesting off season to say the least.




    good post... proves that there is humanity left in buffalo...


    he screwed up, and payed his due. now that he isnt doing stupid things maybe, just maybe, that will help the flaws he had before he went away. he really hasnt played enough in philly to show anything either way.

  7. people... isnt trent the one that went 5-0 last year until a concussion put JP in and screwed everything up? he played a few good games at the beginning of the season in that gawd-awful no huddle offense, until again, a concussion.


    based on his week 1 performance that i had to fight to try to watch at school, he played a damn good game.


    i say let him try again, and then if he loses then the people who think we can draft a solution to all of our problems will be happy that we're moving up in the world

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