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Posts posted by AxelRipper

  1. Jabari Greer is better than any corner on the Bills and that was apparent to anyone who watched him play the last couple of years. So what does the FO do? Let him go sign with NO for 5M and resign McGee for 7M or whatever he's getting. I like McGee, but the smart move would have been to resign Greer and see what you could get for McGee on the trade market last year.



    at the time wasnt mcgee also acting as KR/PR guy? and a spectacularly good one at that (something we havent had since he was relieved of that duty, i mean how long as it been since we've had 1 or 2 kick return TD's?)

  2. just for some reason he is one of the few guys in the NFL that I have nothing but respect for. i'm happy that hes still playing... seems like one thing that he really enjoys doing, and he has a passion for the game thats all but unmatched.


    and i have been rooting for a vikes/colts game, so go vikes

  3. What billion-dollar company are you aware of that hands the keys to a retired 70 year-old? I can't believe people like you are still defending this garbage.



    how about the last 3 CEO's of GM... the entire sport of formula 1... the roman catholic faith...



    but seriously, id rather them not hire before the end of the PO's if they're going coordinator route... i mean do you really want them to rush in to get the first guy who they can, which will either be internal or from another team that also didnt make the PO's, seeing as most of the retired coaches are content staying retired until their dream job comes calling (who can blame them?).


    i'd rather wait until they can get a guy who knows what the playoffs actually are, and they have experience coaching at least part of a team to the playoffs and want their chance to coach, and actually will take this job without having to be handed part of the team plus $10+ million a year.

  4. fitz i think is an excellent guy to have on the team as a backup, and seems like a good guy to have around because he is nice to be around. he is also really smart and knows how to read a team, so he would be good at playcalling.


    however, as a starting qb, he just doenst have the "stuff." he can run the offence well mentally, but physically there seems something missing

  5. I dont understand whats wrong with the stadium... it may not be as bright and shiny as the jetiants new stadium in the worlds ***hole or dallas' new stadium in tejas, but its not a bad stadium... there are much older and much worse stadiums in the country (lambeau and heinz for example).




    and we have one thing in buffalo that should trump all else in the entire world: mighty taco. there can be a foot of snow on the ground, still more coming, and that place will be full and dishing out the greatest americanized-mexican food on earth

  6. i couldnt help but laugh through most of it... it was just so sweet and looked so fun.


    maybe we should have a college bowl game in buffalo every year... the toilet bowl or something... dont plow the field other than the lines

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