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Posts posted by AxelRipper

  1. Hasn't it been known that Houston wanted him (needed a DE) and if he were going to play he wanted to be closer to home in Houston?


    No surprise if he goes there. Or if he retires. I still have respect for the man, he played some great ball in Buffalo even if the team was not that great.

  2. Dick Cheney may be many things. Brainless isn't one of them.



    you're off by an election or 2... he was referring to that fox news anchor from alaska who had no business being called up to the big leagues other than to ruin any chances the GOP had of wining in the first place.


    Personally, I think the presidential position is way overblown, and if people are finally seeing through the 2 party pissing match, maybe soon they'll see the president as what he actually is: the commander in chief of the armed forces and the head of the executive branch. He can send troops wherever he wants and sign treaties, as well as control the people under him who are supposed to enforce the law. He cannot make laws. The problem with the country is those 535 people who ARE in charge of making laws dont talk to eachother or even actually listen and think about what they're doing, rather they just vote on something based on kickbacks they get and if their party leader says weather or not to vote for it.


    and due to our system of not replacing all of the politicians every 4 years, we will never be able to get out of it, no matter what the candidates say to get elected. If they go in with the best of intentions, soon they will still be spoiled by business as usual in politics

  3. I honestly think if the bills QB situation were different, Fitz would be an awesome guy to have behind a reliable starter. He is good when he comes in to finish off a game, but not quite good enough to be able to start and succeed in the NFL.


    unless gailey can coach natural talent

  4. Come on now...I cant tell you how many times we had guys open and in place to make plays where Trent literally just dumped off on some check down. It is no mistake he is nicknamed Capt Checkdown, its because he earned that title. I mean he wouldnt even try and throw to them. Against NE, TO and Lee and the other WR's combined for 5 targets if I am not mistaken or something close to that while Moss and Welker combined for over 30 by themselves.



    yes... but how much of that was Dick-less Juaron's "Play not to lose" style vs nearly everyone else's play to win strategy?


    As much as i'm hoping for brohm to win, I dont think TE is QUITE as bad as everyone makes him out to be. Plus, if he does start the season, if history is anything he probably wont make it all the way through it

  5. I think level of competition should be included -- ie 25-26-27-60 with the addition being a top 25 season or two. Harvard and SEC schools are in different classes.



    yeah, because BCS rankings actually mean something.



    and even with that theres one kinda good California QB who seems to be pretty good. The late round pick who must not be named*

  6. I voted for other. The Bills are a rebuilding team, and as such need draft position more than they need a week 1 victory.



    **** that. Last year we were told that TO was going to be the one key piece that was missing in a very talented team. Then suddenly this year, we've got complete nothing. Sounds like the front office decided to try a different strategy this year.


    We need to pound the phins into submission. Make them wish the game was over by halftime and not let up in the 2nd half. keep pounding them until the very end. rack up ridiculous stats. Get all 3 of our RBs 100 yards. Build confidence in our QB, whomever they may be.


    Start this year off on a powerful note and show all of those ****ers who ranked us to finish last in the league to shame.



    Give us a team to Billieve in again

  7. Ralph will be freed from his bodily prison the instant it happens like seeing the picture of himself he would theoretically keep in the attic as a way to immortality, and then the true lineage of the ownership of the team is revealed and the bills are secured to stay in buffalo for 50 more years.



    and then the next year, all of the pundits finally rate us in the top 20 in the NFL for the first time in years

  8. If brohm wins it, then I think we're set for a while. He's a young guy with what seems like a lot of upside, and if the O is like he played in in college like was stated in his interview earlier, I cam see him being here for Chan's foreseeable tenure. In this situation I could see Fitz staying on as a backup which is where he has shown he is at his best.


    If Trent wins, however, I could see us getting a 1st or 2nd round QB next year, depending on how the talent falls. If theres a best available QB over an LT in the first round I bet we'd take him, but if the LT is there then it would be at least a 2nd or 3rd round prospect.



    But either way, unless our line/WRs step up big this year, I don't see us drafting much other than that next year. If a few players step up into the LT/WR spots, then who knows what would happen next year. Probably a NT or LB would be my guess

  9. Don't let the "demons" win. There is always castration. . Hopefully, you won't act out your sick perversions. Beware you can be tracked...Don't let the demons win.


    By the way did you read the post? You might learn something. Are they all Trolls? How come you didn't reply to any of the responses?



    Hey Pilsner you took a good beating on that post you created. I have to say I loved it. I see you tried to back track but the damage was already done. Your not as smart as you think...Think before you Post!


    How is that for a come back?



    Hey Rob's House,


    Maybe you need to read the post created by Pilsner named Why do Pessimist... Maybe you can learn a little something too.





    unfortunately I cannot post the picture: http://drunkenachura.files.wordpress.com/2...us-business.jpg



    The Internet: Serious Business

  10. Having grown up with the Toy Story series, I loved TS3! I started college last year, and I thought it was really cool for Pixar to follow the lives of the kids who were Andy's age when the first one came out. I actually thought that this movie played more to the 16-22 year old audience than it did to the 3-10 year olds. And I will admit, I was in tears in spots.



    I really like Cars. But I'm also probably bias because I like cars/nascar in general, but that movie I really think is one of their best.

  11. The no huddle was poopified last year. We couldnt figure out what to do with a huddle, nevermind without one.



    That was the biggest problem. If we had happened to have a competent team last year where most players had at least 5 years experience, the no huddle probably would have worked. But with the rookie-ish team we had and the offensive coordinator we didnt, it was pretty much destined for failure.



    From the sounds of it, Chan is a breath of fresh air in our coaching office. Will definitely be interesting to see what happens this year.

  12. Rules are different when you are on probation, as Vick is with the NFL.



    I am aware of that, but I fail to see how he is responsible for someone showing up to a public place and harassing him. He did not willingly go near his cousin (Therefore, shouldnt be a violation of probation since it was beyond his control no matter how much security).


    And as far as the shooting goes, theres probably a lot more behind it that we will never know. If Vick told whoever to get him out of here and shoot him if you need to, then ok ban him. But if, as seems more likely, the guy was asked to leave then "escorted" out of the place, and then continued to be insubordinate, then I dont see how Vick could be held accountable except for the fact he was in the same place

  13. So Vick's D-bag cousin that he is under specific orders to not be around, shows up to a party where he is not invited, most likely makes a scene when asked to leave because he isn't supposed to be there and gets shot by someone (not Vick, because I doubt he is THAT stupid), yet it is Vick's fault that the guy showed up in the first place to make a scene and try to ruin Vick's life even more?



    oh yeah, the dude should definitely be placed under house arrest for the rest of his life and not be allowed to see anyone, much less play football again

  14. Make parents pay for their kids education and not me. They need some skin in the game. Maybe if they had to write a monthly check they'd pay more attention to what's going on.



    Unfortunately, then you get the people who can't pay for it, or won't pay for it, leading to even more idiots in this country. Idiots who, to get back on topic, have a tendency to have even more offspring than higher educated/higher income people.

  15. Hmmm, used to be that way. What happened?



    People got soft. Parents stopped parenting. If a kid does something wrong, spank them! Simple as that. Sooner or later they're gonna realize what they should and shouldn't do.


    But nooo... In this happy go lucky world we live in, no one looses because their feelings cant be hurt. Everyone wins! Isnt it wonderful!


    And then when something does happen and parents do suddenly get involved, it is never their kid's fault. Its always someone else's fault. The school for not teaching them or controlling the situation. The other kid's parents for not raising their kid properly. ADD.


    Just like the people running our government, a lot of people having kids these days need to be slapped.

  16. Why did they cut him then, and place him on the PS?



    I guess we have no idea what happened in Green Bay then. Something happened they caused them to put their 2nd rounder on PS, but then something else happened when someone made an offer for him, they matched it to try to keep him.

  17. Thank you, some reason in all this din of hate....


    If we start Brohm its because we want the top pick next year for a QB like Locker... the guy was a PRACTICE SQUADDER!!!! you people should realize that he is horribly raw and we won't win 4 games with him... OTOH either Fitz or TE will deliver us at least 7 W's or more....


    The thing that really irks me about all this hating is that everyone agrees we had a crap OC, a crap HC, NO QBC, and for whatever reason and injury plagued season.... If each of those major blows only equal a single win each then the bills "should" have made the playoffs last year.... we don't know yet what we have here, but I am POSITIVE that we have a better staff on offense and possibly no worse on defense, and the switch to the 3-4 I really like.... now for all that crappiness on the coaching staff, is it any wonder all our QB's sucked last year? It couldn't have been the patchwork line, lame play calling, or poor decision making on the sidelines that ruined TE or Fitz....or even JP for that matter... now could it?


    I just wish everyone would stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater. QB's take 2-4 years to develop occasional 5... bad QB play is not always the result of an untalented QB....





    The thing is, I dont understand why people discount Brohm because he was the 3rd qb in GB. The only reason he was on the practice squad was that GB only kept 2 qbs on the active roster. From what I heard he lacked confidence in GB, which is understandable when you're that highly regarded one year, drop to 2nd round the next, and then wind up behind Aaron Rodgers, which pretty much gives you no hope of ever starting on that team.


    From what I've seen, he seems like he has the skills, and his 1-2 years of lost confidence would be easier to bring back than TE's... how many years has it been?


    Only one more month to discuss it on here now...

  18. The only problem with this is that the ultra-conservatives in this country blow it completely out of proportion. Trust me, there are a lot of middle and high schoolers (5th grade and up) that are way less innocent than most will make them out to be. the problem is that there isnt enough proper sex ed in this country at a young enough age, and even when it is taught, most places tell the kids that "abstinence is the only option." That does not work IMO. It sickens me to see girls as young as 7th grade pregnant due to the ignorant people who try to run this country thinking that kids will do exactly what they tell them to do, or dont give them any option.


    Get your heads out of your ***** people! Teenage pregnancies are way too high in this country.


    I'm quoting this from my college sociology teacher last year: There is a higher percentage of 12 year olds in the US pregnant than the percentage of pregnant teens (pre-20) in Sweden. The reason? In Sweden, sex ed starts in kindergarten and they teach children more than just abstinence.

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