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Everything posted by AxelRipper

  1. Would they still have a racetrack there too? Drag strip (maybe change to a quarter mile), circle track, tractor pulls, mud races, rock crawls AND football??? We could just call it "The American Dream Park"
  2. heres an idea: stick the stadium near UB North. That way the bills and the bulls can both use the stadium
  3. what I found amusing was reading their complaints about Garrard. They were the EXACT same complaints that have been posted on here about TE for the past 2 years.
  4. I could see ponder in 2nd or 3rd
  5. if trent started and won it wouldnt be because he won, it would be because our team never actually made it to the stadium
  6. did you really have to post another thread on this?
  7. the only call that I was bothered by was the unsportsmanlike conduct on the celebration... that rule just seems to be at the discretion of the refs, with no true definition. Happened in the Jets game as well today. Seems like an absurd rule, especially when attached to a 15 yard penalty which refs can pretty much hand out whenever a team scores if they want to. Not saying it would have changed anything, but the offsides kick after it would have been a little different.
  8. is there any team with a winning record in their history? I dont mean like 1 or 2 wins, but a good deal more wins then losses
  9. but then, with the NFL lockout in 2011, in 2012 Luck will still be there for the #1 pick!
  10. and then we can fake the wildcat and he can go in motion on the left side to play LT/TE! brilliant!
  11. umm... they cant. not yet. however, we've hit rock bottom when people are calling for the new coach's head by week 2, so it can only start going up from here. Gonna take a few drafts and FA's first
  12. Pros: he isn't Trent
  13. I think gailey wants to leave the first team together for a few weeks to try and build a rhythm between the players, and not interrupt it before there is a chance of anything happening at all. and I dont think i could stand another season of Fitz ball
  14. yes, when your offense is on the field you have to be as loud as humanly possible to make it so the defenders can't hear the audibles and the snap count, right??
  15. when we go 3-out multiple times and the opponents are driving down the field slowly, do you really have to stand? It's not like theres anything exciting going on down there that you're gonna miss if you sit. If you want to stand, go back a little ways so those who want to sit in the seats they paid for can enjoy the game just like you are.
  16. I'll take $10 on the bills to beat the spread
  17. "but he was a first round pick! he should have been able to start game one to be worth that! he sucks! Look at what [insert player we could have had here] has done! Maybenot was the biggest bust of all time!!11!" /every response to a Maybin mention in a thread
  18. wow... fitz is only 27? seems like he was a lot older than that!
  19. How about they split time on the field roughly evenly depending on the defense, with each back's strengths paired with the opposing team's weakness? Sure Spiller seems like he can score from anywhere, but Lynch can be used to tire the D out, and Freddy is almost middle ground. Really, with good planning, they could be utilized really well. Hopefully.
  20. I havent watched the game, but i'm going to have to after reading this: This can't be the Buffalo Bills they're talking about... we must have found a wormhole
  21. wait... so we had TWO qbs who performed well against the COLTS??? This cant be the Buffalo Bills
  22. saw them with Hagar last time they were in buffalo. I'd probably see them again if tickets werent stupidly expensive
  23. I liked them, but MAN was it one of the strangest things i've ever seen in a non-showy musical act (a-la cooper, manson)
  24. Well close enough... I'm the owner's son
  25. shameless plug for my course: http://www.playironwood.com/
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