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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. Ya....we are better for the Peters trade....RIIIIIIIIGHT! I like the rookies we got but basically we gave a way a proven, now 3 time probowl, LT and got in return an OG with a severly broken leg that might not ever be the same or be ready for the regular season and a TE that couldn't crack the starting line up. WAY TO GO FRONT OFFICE!!!!!!


    TE that couldn't crack the starting line up?? Sure


    As far as Wood's broken leg, Not everyone has access to your crystal ball.


    No question, losing your LT right before the season without replacing him is retarded, but the mistake wasn't what we got for him, the mistake was not addressing the position in free agency or the draft.

  2. Do you think McNabb is going to sign an extension with the Bills?


    Without an extension I wouldn't give more than a 4th for him (if that)


    There is a time when it is appropriate to add a veteran qb to the team. That time is when he is a missing piece to a team ready to win. The Kurt Warner acquisition in Arizona and the Favre addition to the Vikings would be good examples of that situation. That isn't the situation here. At this point the Bills are closer to being an expansion caliber team than a playoff contending team.


    I agree with your broader point, but the teams not as bad as advertised. With a QB and a lineman or 2 there could be a quick turnaround. There is a lot of talent on this team that doesn't get to shine b/c of a few gaping holes at key positions.


    High draft picks should be a very valued commodity. That 2nd rd. pick which you are willing to trade could be an impactful player for the next five years or so.


    Although impactful is not a word, that's dead on accurate. We could get a solid pro to lock down an OT or DT position for 10 yrs with that pick. I wouldn't be so quick to trade it for what could be a one and done from an injury prone QB who can't handle pressure.


    Do you remember giving up a first round pick for Bledsoe? He was on the downside of his career; and he showed that in his performance. In addition, whatever he brought to the table was wasted because even then our OL was porous.


    Excellent point, Bledsoe made some magic here, but once the OL breaks down you're not going to get much out of a stationary QB. And even though he has legs, McNabb can't handle the pass rush w/o good protection, which the Bills are probably going to struggle early in the yr with.

  3. A few other thoughts on McNabb:


    He's played in a great offense his whole career. People always talk about his lack of weapons, but any time he's been hurt whoever steps in gets it done (Garcia, A.J. Feeley).


    IF it's true that he's unwilling to sign a long term deal in Buffalo, then pass. This 3 yr rebuild is overblown. Buffalo has some weapons and is only a good QB and 2 other good offensive players away from being really good.


    It would be an opportunity for him to go out as a guy who revitalized a struggling franchise rather than as the NFLs most notorious choke artist.


    If he wants to come here, sign an extension, and we don't have to give away the farm to get him, I'm for it, but if he's going to be one and done and/or we have to mortgage the future to get him (Roy Williams anyone?) I'll pass.

  4. I doubt these picks will be there in our picks but


    1. *Bryan Bulaga Iowa LT LG


    2. Charles Brown USC OT


    3. Tim Tebow Florida QB


    4. *Linval Joseph East Carolina DT43 DE34


    5. Tony Washington Abilene Christian OT


    I know that's a lot of OTs and a Boon bust type QB but a ten year fix on the OT position would be sweet, and as a 3rd rounder Tebow's upside far out weights the risk.



  5. Would all the Lynch apologists please remove his genitals from your collective mouths. Please stop trying to clarify the definition of "is".


    If you're older than 12 he's not your hero, he's a guy that plays football for your favorite team. get over it.


    If you were accused of hit and run, and you didn't know you hit anyone, you would say catagorically that you didn't hit anyone, not some half-assed statement about not being consciously aware of hitting someone at that time.


    If you didn't snatch the $20 out of the woman's hand, you wouldn't quietly return the $20 after the fact and stay quiet hoping it would just go away. You'd be shouting from the roof tops that you didn't do any such sh*t.


    I get it. You haven't quite outgrown your adolescent hero worshipping of football idols and you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but get real. This guy sucks, and by defending him all you're telling us is you're as big a POS as he is.

  6. okay...so obviously the new england patriots don't know what they are doing and they made a huge personnel mistake in signing such a crummy prospect, which is why they haven't made the playoffs in ten years? oh...wait a minute...its us who haven't made the playoffs in ten years....


    The Patriots don't have Nelson and Schouman on their roster.

  7. Second-rate QBs need one thing to manage the game ... an excellent offense around them. And game-managing QBs only win numerous games if they have extremely good defenses. We have neither.


    We could well have a very strong defense and power running game.



    Very likely. What is unlikely is that a rookie LT playing next to a second-year man at LG will play extremely well. These things take time. I would definitely expect an upgrade from last year's LT situation if we get an LT in the first two rounds, even from a rookie. But does that mean that play will be at a competent level? Not necessarily.


    No, not necessarily, but even modest improvement at both tackle positions, could have been the difference in 3-4 games last yr.



    If it was already a talented group, how come our defense wasn't all that great last year? We weren't as bad as the stats indicated, our defense wore down because of the pathetic nature of the offense, but we were definitely far from great. Far from it.


    And now all of our "talented group" are playing new positions. You have no problem with that? Strout has never played DE. Kyle Williams, who has good size for a 1-technique - the position he played last year - is a munchkin for a nose tackle, the position he will play this year, a position he's never played. Poz is small for a 3 - 4 ILB. Andra Davis ought to be a solid guy, not great but solid. Not one single one of our OLBs has ever taken a single snap as a linebacker. Ever in his pro career. Ellis, Maybin, Schobel and Kelsay. Not one snap. That doesn't bother you? The only way that can be seen as a positive is if you're on laughing gas.

    Didn't say it was ideal, but again, not going to a straight up 3-4. Also in a 3-4, depending on how it's run, the OLB position doesn't have to be dramatically different from a DE position, and for guys like Schobel, Ellis, and Maybin I think there's a good chance it will better utilize their talents regardless of whether they've played from that specific position. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mitchell playing OLB either.


    Gosh, well, if you said it would be nice but not required, then it must be true.


    Smart ass mother f*cker



    What you basically are saying is that we have about 14 serious question marks and that if all 14 questions end up having the best possible answers, then we might be good. Guess what, there isn't a single team in the NFL that can't say that. If you have a number of serious questions you have to expect that a few will come out with extremely positive results, a few with extremely negative results and most somewhere in the middle.


    And that is not going to be anywhere near enough to make us a competitive team.


    Actually, I said if about 3 or 4 of those question marks work out for us we could be pleasantly surprised. You're the one who seems to be so certain of everything.


    The basic jist was that we have some areas of strength, and while a dominant Super Bowl contender is probably two yrs of good decision making away, it's not unfathomable to imagine the Bills might not suck ass this year. I don't fully understand why that got your panties in such an uproar.

  8. God, we missed another washed-up, over the hill nobody, who had a couple of decent seasons in the distant past who offers NOTHING of an upgrade at his position.


    I'd rather have Nelson and Shouman anyway. Guys who can get open and catch NOW, not 5 yrs ago. And if you want a 6th lineman put Bell in as a blocking TE.



    Next people will be complaining that we didn't go after Duante Culpepper.

  9. Take me back to age 22, give me a couple of million in my pockets - I'd be your best jerk ever.


    Then you're probably an !@#$ now. I was no angel at 22, but the story that I can't get around is the restraunt incident where he allegedy snatched the twenty out of the woman's hand.


    If this story is bogus, and I really wanted to believe it was, then this guys had his reputation trashed unfairly.


    But reading the story along with his reputation to go with it, it sounds like he did it. And I've not read or heard anything to suggest the contrary, just a bunch of crap about due process and innocent until proven guilty. Well I'm not for putting him in jail without a trial, but I can listen to the evidence and decide who I want to cheer for, and until I hear something to indicate he's more than a brazen thuggish asswipe I won't be cheering for him.


    It's not that it's the most heinous act, it's the idea of the son of a B word that would think to do something like that in the first place. Who at 22 would snag the $20 out of a complete strangers hand and then taunts them with it.


    Imagine if that was your mother. How would you feel about B word-Mode then?

  10. McNabb would be a nice addition, but I wouldn't give much up for him for a few reasons:


    1. We've never seen him play w/o a line. He's always struggled when opposing defenses apply pressure, and in Buffalo he's going to see pressure. More than he's seen at any time in his career.


    2. McNabb isn't particularly accurate. He can make some big plays, but he throws a lot of passes into the ground.


    3. He's been getting injured recently, and whereas other big-time QBs have come back from big injuries, he's been suffering from nagging injuries which seem to be hampering him consistently.


    To clarify, I'd rather have him than what we have now, but I wouldn't give much up for him.

  11. To summarize...


    All they need to do is:

    - find an NT - Said it would be nice but not required


    - find a QB - Said a second rate QB would suffice if he could "manage the game"


    - have a badly injured guy return very quickly and be as good or better than he was pre-injury - I did say that, but don't expect him full speed until a month or 2 into the season.


    - get some production from our WRs (tied to finding a QB) - Not that far out to assume 1 of 2 prospects might be decent.


    - draft an LT - How unlikely is that?


    - successfully run a 3-4 by capitalizing on the defensive personnel we have even though many don't match the scheme - We just signed an ILB and a 3-4 DE to what was already a talented group.


    Nice try

  12. YouLIKE the idea of taking a running back in the first round when we already have a good player at that position and at least three positions on the team with NO player?


    If trading one of our running backs helps us fill one of those 3 positions I could go for it. AS LONG AS we address the LT position early and effectively

  13. This reminds me of Randall Cunningham who in 96' owned a company installing ceramic tile (a friend and I talked to hm on the sideline prior to the start of the first game of the 97' season ).


    So in 97' the Vikings signed him as their punter.


    By 98' he led the Vikings to a 15-1 season only to lose the Championship game to the Falcons...his rating @ 106 was his highest ever.



    Randall Cunningham


    So now all we need is to stack the offensive line and put two hof WRs in their prime on the field at the same time. I'm in.

  14. Sure there are question marks. Who's going to play NT? What will the Oline look like? Who will play QB? How will the unproven WRs play?


    With a little luck we could all be pleasantly surprised.


    Let's say we take a ready to play today LT in the draft. If Wood gets healthy the line could start to gel a few games into the season.


    Let's also say Hardy or Johnson rises to become a legit #2 reciever. Not that far fetched.


    A legit NT would solidify the D, but even without one, this "hybrid" 3-4 they're talking about could utilize who we have on staff to capitalize on their abilities. We have a lot of talent on D.


    So to summarize, after a yr for Wood and Levitre to develop, throwing in a LT (not to mention the guys like Bell who were starting last yr are now more experienced backups) should provide a much improved line. Half-way decent production out of one of our young recievers and some production from our young TEs should enable us to move the sticks and take advantage of our potent 1-2 punch on the ground.



    The big ? in this scenario is QB. Even with what we've been shuffling under C with no protection for the last 4 seasons we've still pulled out 6 to 7 wins. If the D holds tight and the running game is strong (both realistic possibilities), we might be able to see a winning season with a second rate QB to "manage the game".


    Just my thoughts. KMA

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