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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. I actually do not believe this report that the Bills were interested and offered an extension, and I'd be a little disappointed if it were actually true.


    McNabb is probably going to get hit in the second game of the season and be out all year or something similar. And when he's on the field, he'll be misfiring passes left and right.


    This is such a non-story, only many people don't realize it yet. An old, injury-prone, inaccurate QB gets traded? Yawn.


    I think you hit the nail on the head.


    If McNabb were everything the dreamers make him out to be the Eagles wouldn't be so anxious to replace him with a young unproven guy with 10 minutes of NFL experience.


    We'll see how he does next year outside of the Andy Reid comfort zone.

  2. In the NFP Michael Lombardi made the following statement:





    "The common thread to achieving success in the NFL is having a good coach, a quality quarterback, a left tackle and a defense that can rush the passer."


    Do we have any of these?


    You could make the argument for 1 of 3. Unless Schobel retires. I'd reserve judgement on the coach til a later date.

  3. Well except the part where he's improved every year in the NFL despite crappy talent surrounding him and the fact he went undefeated in the best conference in college football and was the player of the year.


    I usually like your posts, but I think you're off on this one. Campbell has talent, but he can't handle pressure, and chokes in the clutch all the time. He has flashes, but there's a reason why they shipped him out for a guy on the down side of his career who also has a reputation for choking.

  4. Let me summarize:


    1. If you're touting Jason Campbell's stats you're blowing smoke up your own ass. Most of his good stats come in garbage time. When the game is on the line he sucks. If you don't know this you don't know jack about Redskin football and should remain silent and be assumed ignorant rather than speak up and remove all doubt.


    2. Some genius mentioned something about no help from Clinton Porcelain. Portis has been one of the most productive backs in the league up until his injury last year which came predictably as a result of carrying too much of the workload. He carried the offense.


    3. The most successful stretch the Redskins had over the last 3 years was when Campbell was hurt, with Todd Collins outshining him. Unless you're rushing to sign Collins, please cool it on the Campbell stuff.

  5. he's a much better qb than anyone on our roster. fosho


    His stats are better than he is. I'd rather have TE who throws three yd passes all game long, but might give you a fighting chance in the final drive, than Jason Campbell who shines when the game is out of reach and sucks when it's on the line.


    I live in VA where Redskin talk dominates the airwaves and most Redskin fans wanted Todd Collins to start b/c his stretch when Campbell was injured was the best stretch the Redskins have had during Campbell's time there.

  6. A similar deal would have him in the AFC east. Then grab the LT released by the cowboys. What is so difficult?


    Other teams just move faster.


    Let me explain it for you. You may want to read it slowly


    Andy Reid didn't want to send McNabb to Buffalo or Oakland


    McNabb didn't want to come to Buffalo, and wasn't likely to sign an extension


    And maybe it's just possible that the FO thought it a better long term strategy to use those picks to draft young players to build the team instead of trading them for an aging overrated has-been who's played his entire career in ideal conditions and can't handle pressure.


    What's so difficult to understand?

  7. I agree. The Bills have done nothing. The last day to renew my season tix is April 7th. What have they done to earn my $$$ for another season. I have every intention of renewing because I do love the Bills, but man give me something to get excited about. Or should I be excited about the possibility of the guys we draft this year and next hopefully developing into decent players in 2-3 yrs......and sprinkle in a few underachieving overpaid FA's along the way. At least last year T O was something to talk about.


    How is Russ gonna sell tix this year?


    What exactly would you have them do. Most of the free agents on the market (and I don't know if you've been living in a cave but it's slim pickins this year w/ the uncapped yr) have other options and don't want to come to Buffalo. In the meantime, what, are you whining b/c they didn't give up the future for a spent over the hill McNabb who wouldn't have done well here and who wasn't going to get traded here anyway?


    They brought in quality players to fill areas of need on defense, and I'm not excited about Green, but at least he improves the area of greatest need. The draft hasn't even occurred yet.


    Are they supposed to hold a gun to player's heads and force them to sign?

  8. If you watched him play, what about his play was "bad"? Funny how you say this and even his biggest detractors have never said he's "bad". The comparison to Maybin, like your post, is ridiculous. Maybin only played in '08 because of injuries and suspensions. Clausen was the top prospect in the country, stepped on ND's campus and took the starting job for almost 3 full years. He showed amazing progression year after year and finished up his TRUE Junior year almost perfect. In case you didn't know, QB's take a couple years to evolve.

    So how is he like Maybin?


    They're about the same height.

  9. So.... what 2 do you think we have filled?


    If wood is ok for the season, we have at least 3 decent starters. Hangartner, wood, and levitre. And we are def going to be drafting our starting LT in the draft, just not sure which round. So that would give us 4 decent starters. And as for green, we could do worse. And if this draft turns out good for us, it wouldn't be too hard to upgrade RT and C. But right now, I think hangartner is a decent starter, especially compared to the starters we have had previous to him. And as for wood, i think at worst he is on PUP for part of the season. It MIGHT be worse than that, but I don't think so.


    Also, Nix has said he wants to grab a lot of depth for the oline in the draft. So a lot of othe picks will be used to get linemen, and one of them could always be a surprise. And with the levitre and wood picks, I think nix knows his linemen pretty well. I am thinking the line will be pretty stable next year. Might not be great, but I think it is being built to be good and will keep getting better.


    I don't consider Hangarner a good starter. If you had 4 solid guys around him he could be valuable due to his intelligence, but he doesn't have the physical strength to take on stronger DTs and NTs. I'd also be surprised if Wood is back to full strength this year, however he and Levitre were the two I was referring to as filled positions.


    I don't know that much about Green, but from what I've read he's more of a backup who was one of the lesser linemen on a less than stellar Oakland squad.

  10. I see a lot of posts debating which is more important: LT or QB. Obviously QB is the answer, but that discussion ignores the Bills situation at the moment.


    A lot of guys point to LTs on other teams like playoff teams w/ mediocre LTs and mediocre teams with good LTs. That's kind of simple minded thinking.


    If you have 3 or 4 good linemen, you can get away with a mediocre player on the line. But when your C is Hangartner, your RT is Cornhole Green, and your RG just had his leg turned into silly putty a few months ago, you have a different situation.


    For a QB, even a great QB, to perform you have to have at least a mediocre line. That being said, if Clausen is available at #9, whatever, you won't hear me complain, but without some serious upgrades to the line, 2010 will look a lot like 2009, and Mr. Franchise might just get David Carred.

  11. ...heavily criticized by former offensive lineman turned respected commentator Mark Schlereth.


    Mark Schlereth left his balls on the field and hasn't seen them since. He's reduced himself to a misty eyed douche who'd rather pontificate about his feelings than talk real football. If he's on I change the channel.

  12. Orlando Pace

    Walter Jones


    These guys all break down at a certain point. The Cowboys aren't stupid. They released him for a reason.


    The Cowboys have someone to take his place. Is there a team in the NFL with less at LT than the Bills?

  13. Hey- I have heard of Anthony Muñoz. Lets sign him, he was regarded as the best LT ever. Lets go get Dermonti Dawson too......how about Joe Montana- then our OL/QB problem is fixed without wasting a draft pick!!! Oh wait, MTV is coming on, what was I talking about. Is it time for lunch? :lol::(:wallbash:


    How original. Picking up a 35 yr old on the decline is exactly like taking a 50 yr old who retired two decades ago. Get some new material.


    The idea behind bringing in a guy like that is because we have NO ONE to play LT. I know rookies usually step in and dominate the LT position from day one, but just on the off chance that we get that rare pick who takes a little time to acclimate, it might be a nice insurance policy to have a guy with some experience to help fill in and add depth in case of injury.


    I don't think anyone is suggesting that he'll come in and play at a pro-bowl level, but given the circumstances it could be helpful. If he wants too much money you don't sign him. If he's a bad influence on the young players, cut him. That'll send a message.

  14. Explain that argument to me. Stress the word deserve. Quickly check the average salary of a brain surgeon, compare that to the top 10% of NFL players and justify the word "deserve".


    When was the last time you heard of 60,000 people paying to watch brain surgery.


    And according to me nobody deserves anything. You take what you can get.

  15. I want to think I remember him costing the Cowboys a few big plays last year due to penalties.


    That's always been a problem w/ him. He's like a bigger, stronger, older version of Bell w/ leverage. Unless he wants a big contract, which he's not likely to get, the worst case scenario is you cut him.


    It's a low risk move that patches the greatest need on the team.

  16. Oh God. Another thread where a bunch of brain dead a-holes want to sit here and regurgitate whatever skewed half-assed opinion of unions they picked up along their long journey to the middle.


    You're all idiots. No one cares what you think. If you have a bunch of political opinions to share, go somewhere where someone wants to hear it.

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