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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. It's usually hard to tell who's getting the better end of these things until you see people's reactions, but it's becoming increasingly clear that President Trump won in a big way. The prevailing sentiment on the left is that this was a complete 💩 show that was a miserable experience and we should dispense with anymore debates. Interestingly, they hate Chris Wallace as much as the right, despite his clear favoritism toward Biden. These are not the reactions of people who think this went well for them. Moreover, everyone already knows who Trump is. He didn't change anyone's perception of him tonight. Biden, on the other hand, looked weak. As I said before, the fact that they're calling President Trump a bully means Trump won. Bullying an old lady (i.e. Hilldog) is a bad look. Bullying a man you're competing against is another story. Put differently, getting big boyed by Trump is a really bad look for Biden. He might want to get back in the basement.
  2. The fact that half the left wing pundits are calling President Trump a bully means Trump won.
  3. That's fairly accurate.
  4. Biden's going to abolish hurricanes.
  5. Chris Wallace sucks.
  6. If Orange man is so bad, why can't you point to anything he's actually done to cause the division you speak of that isn't a gross misrepresentation or pure fabrication? The people rioting in the streets aren't his supporters, they're leftists, and no one can articulate what Orange Man has done to elicit their nationwide temper tantrum. The argument seems to be of "the devil made me do it," variety. "It's his fault I burned down a Wendy's." What did he do to evoke this rage? We don't know. Unsubstantiated platitudes seem to be the only answer. Meanwhile, the people you suggest putting in power have been actively dumping fuel on the fire since before he took office. They are the ones whose divisive rhetoric is clear, unambiguous, and on full display. They're constantly telling us that minorities live under the constant threat of danger from "white supremacists" who are allegedly everywhere, but whose presence and effects can scarcely be cited. This is what is enflaming racial tensions, everyone knows it, yet these are the people we're told will save us from the situation they've created. So why would you expect them to improve anything? Or is your argument that the temper tantrum won't end until they get their way?
  7. When I was just a little young boy, Papa said Son, you'll never get far, I'll tell you the reason if you want to know, cause child of mine, there isn't really very far to go
  8. I'd like the Bills to win, but football just isn't that important. I haven't watched a snap this year and haven't paid any attention other than casually following the Bills results. It really hasn't changed my life. The election is about a lot more than winning, or even government policy. Perhaps the Dems will reel it in once they have power, but they've demonstrated a willingness to destroy anyone and anything to get what they want. Keeping that behavior from being rewarded is a lot more important to me than a group of millionaires I don't know winning a game.
  9. As Louisville goes up in flames and cries of "black bodies" murdered by police ring out across the nation, don't forget what we're protesting: A police officer lawfully executing a warrant knocked and announced himself, was shot at from inside the house, returned fire after being shot at, and struck one of the occupants.
  10. Sunday morning, praise the dawning It's just a restless feeling by my side Early dawning, Sunday morning It's just the wasted years so close behind Watch out, the world's behind you There's always someone around you who will call It's nothing at all
  11. I actually agree with this to a point, but it lacks the context required to draw any meaningful conclusions. It's a question of scale. How often does this happen? How is it handled? Is this the norm or is it an anomaly? Plucking random anecdotes tells us almost nothing. Are these incidents "systemic," or are we talking about a small handful of bad apples? If it is a "systemic" problem, is it uniform throughout the thousands of independently managed law enforcement departments across the country? How do we know? To have any meaningful discussion on the topic you have to be able to answer these questions. However, they are seldom, if ever, answered with anything other than conjecture supported only with bias. Just because you have a conception of something doesn't make it accurate. More often it's a case of having an image in your head that was formed by incomplete information you acquired while in a state of abject ignorance, which is weighted in descending chronological order to which it was received, and has since been uncritically supported by confirmation bias.
  12. 🤨 Her looks? Hell, I'd even ***** my wife before going down that road.
  13. And I'll hang around as long as you will let me and I never minded standing in the rain but you don't have to call me darlin, darlin you never even called me by my name
  14. More accurately: Some black (and white) people riot in the streets in the middle of a pandemic to demand an end to something that isn't happening. Some white people complain about something they find annoying that is happening.
  15. I have but one person on my ignore list, and that is due primarily to volume rather than content, but I'm seriously considering adding you to the list. It's unfortunate because you've occasionally shown hints of intelligence that indicate your potential to add value to the discussion, but lately all I've seen from you are obnoxious spam posts that serve only to clog up the board. If there was ever a time when this schtick came off as clever or amusing it has long since passed. It's fine to ***** around on occasion, but it's gotten tired and I ask that you try to do better. Not for me, because you don't owe me anything, but for yourself. It's not too late for you to become a person of substance.
  16. Great interview with Massad Ayoob on how to protect yourself in riots. The number one tip: avoid them. https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/defense-against-mobs
  17. English doesn't appear to be your strong suit.
  18. Where's your Rule #2 evidence of "systemic racism?" We've been waiting for months to hear it.
  19. He can't answer. They won't say it outright, but the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the leftist position is that anytime a suspect refuses to be arrested the cops should let him go.
  20. This thread really illustrates how contrived this whole narrative is. When I question how I know it's bogus I don't listen to the right, I look at the best evidence the left can produce. And despite nearly every major news organization and left-wing group in America scouring the country for examples that reinforce this narrative, this is the best they can scrape together. It's very telling.
  21. Kind of circular reasoning you got there, bub. I suppose I'll be waiting a while to get a legitimate answer from you on that one.
  22. Does anyone know if the NFL is still going full throttle with the social justice bullsh!t?
  23. I have a few questions for the "defund police" activists. 1. What police force(s) do you want defunded? 2. What is their current operating budget? 3. What is the optimal budget for a police force for the area(s)? 4. What data did you use to arrive at your answers?
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