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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. So it's bad because it's illegal & it should be illegal because it's bad. Got it.
  2. What is this? Mind your business.
  3. Dude, it's called pulling out.
  4. Are you trolling or are you just Fu€king stupid? If it's the former, Bravo! You've got the irrational lib act down pat. If it's the latter I suspect the best part of you ran down your mother's leg. I suggest you read through the thread and if you still don't know why your post is retarded you should do the world a favor and kill yourself. I doubt anyone would miss you.
  5. Captain Hindsight should point out how smart our FO was to get value for him before this happened.
  6. I could live with this. A few thoughts: 1. He gives us a power back for a complete trio of RBs 2. Elite talent - You want good football players 3. The Saints use 4 RBs & The Giants used 3. Both teams won. 4, Nasty formations out of the backfield & all 3 can catch (split out) 5. Richardson complements Spiller better in 2 back sets; put in a fresh FJ in for single back sets.
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/south-carolina-teen-brutal-soccer-attack-earns-assault-103322121.html The video shows a racially motivated attack at a HS soccer game. Despite being an obvious hate crime the authorities have only charged simple assault. Time to rise up and bring it down.
  8. All your lofty philosophies sound fine in theory. This explains your love of academia where idealistic theories are allowed to flourish without the inconvenience of exposure to reality. I've said this many times and NEVER had it addressed with a substantive & realistic response: How do you provide everyone unlimited access to the most state of the art medical technology known to man?
  9. These are not equivalent. Zimmerman may or may not be a criminal. He may or may not be racist. But there is no question whatsoever that the media intentionally misrepresented this case, and that's the real issue here. Whatever happened between Zimmerman and Martin really isn't but so consequential in the grand scheme of things. People are killed everyday, some justifiably, some tragically, and some that are both justifiable and tragic. It's not essential that we have a national debate on every individual crime tht takes place. The issue is the media exploiting a case to paint a false picture and create racial strife in this country. The real winners here are racists and criminals and the losers are the rest of us. The issue is also the lemmings who latched on and created a mass protest before they even knew the basic facts of the case. The issue is also how willingly people were to treat a paradigm as fact. Adam Carolla has a theory that the person screaming the loudest about an issue is the one most prone to it. Example: the guy preaching vitriolically about the evils of homosexuality is the most likely to take a jizz shot up the ass. Similarly, the same people who see racism in everything are the most racist and they're the one's leading the narrative.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/george-zimmerman-father-trayvon-martin-threatened-kill-son-142231753.html Zimmerman's Dad speaks out.
  11. Disrespect and snakiness? Really? I know we all have our biases but you take political hackery to a whole new level. You are to liberalism what Rick Santorum is to Catholocism. I don't think I've ever seen anything from you that indicates so much as a hint of critical thinking.
  12. I don't get it. Obama & co can trapse all around the world with their entourage like British Royalty meets Allen Iverson, and that's cool. Then in the next breath the same ass holes who just got through condescendingly telling us the Obama's have a right to spend their (& taxpayers) own money how they choose, burst a blood vessel if Romney buys a couple of Cadillacs. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously.
  13. No, you're not going to wiggle out of this. Your implication was that insurance company CEO pay is a substantial factor in this discussion. But as a % of labor cost company wide or indusry wide it's relatively insignificant. As a % of overall healthcare costs the salaries of all the CEOs for all the health insurance companies combined is a squirt of piss in the ocean.
  14. What's the CEO's salary and how many people are insured by his company? I'm pretty sure if you divide the former by the latter you'll see why this argument doesn't work.
  15. Same reason he only pays the receptionist $10/hr and pats himself on the back for matching 401k contributions.
  16. Not just you, but I think people in general are clinging to that tidbit to defend their initial position. Granted it's an aggravating circumstance for Zimmerman's case, no question, but in and of itself doesn't mean much. If not for the racial element this wouldn't be a national story and there wouldn't be anywhere near this level of outrage, rush to judgment, or derelict reporting.
  17. I'm not going after you for posting it. I'm just sickened by the whole situation, particularly the media coverage. It's really bothering me. There is plenty of evidence that we've cited and discussed in this thread that has been available for days, in many instances weeks, that never gets mentioned in these "updates". There's a concerted effort to cast this story in a particlar light regardless of the facts. They want this to be racial SO badly even if it isn't. This story is just another example.
  18. Never mind dude, I give up.
  19. I didn't get past the pic of the 13 year old with the caption identifying him as a 17 year old. This outlet (and the entire national media for that matter) has absolutely no credibility on this case.
  20. I have to give credit where credit is due. That is a lot more reasonable response than I expected.
  21. Right, I get that. The problem is the feds all to often manipulate the system (and have to the court has allowed this without sound justification) to influence areas they were never intended to influence. It's an end around to grab power by improper means. That whole point was really more of a tangent, though (I have a tendency to stray, I blame the ADD). My main gripe is with the mindset that was put forth by Kagan characterizing the federal government as this benevolent provider as though it is some parental figure distributing the wealth it has created as opposed to the reality that it's just a neighborhood association operating on a national scale who's only resources are those contributed by those it pretends to be the providers for.
  22. How in God's name do you derive that conclusion? The point is that it's not the Federal Government's money exept that which they tax from the citizens of the states. To say "Here we are, the federal government, handing out free money to you the lucky recipients" is disengenuous at best. The tax and spend provision of the constitution has been so perverted by this type of backwards thinking so as to allow the feds to circumvent the constitutional safeguards designed to prevent them from gaining the leverage they have. Honestly, why is it always an all or nothing thing with you guys? It's always black or white, Communism or Anarchy, All powerful welfare state or Somalia. There is a middle ground.
  23. Are you saying 2 years at $5m/year or $2.5m/yr for 2 years?
  24. It's not the milage from running that wears guys down, it's taking NFL hits. plus, regardless of whether he was taking an NFL sized dose of punishment before, he's carried a relatively light load over the last 6 years which should preserve those legs a bit longer than most workhorse RBs.
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